
I have gotten a lot of vitriol for wearing a mask while driving. This includes being flipped off, brake checked and my favorite: being paced by an angry, glaring, shouting person.

Yeah, if I’m running errands, why take off the mask in between stops? I’m generally not bothered by it if it’s got a nose wire so it doesn’t fog my glasses. 

I just forget I’m wearing it most of the time

I pretty much always have a mask on while driving these days. And the main reason is simple, I have to wear a mask to pass through my apartment building to get to/from my car, so why even bother taking it off in the car? And of course you aren’t supposed to touch your mask including to take it off unless you can wash

3 Paos in 2 spots, as opposed to the 1 modern full sized SUV or pick-up in 3 spots at your local mall, Costco or home improvement store.

Aw, man, when it’s for a show it’s not dickhead, it’s style.

I am both shocked that there are 7 Paos in NC, and that 3 of them made it to this particular C&C.

chugged half a bottle of Purell

Same here. Was a lifetime Republican until Trump became the nominee in 2016. I correctly predicted there was no bottom with him, but I am shocked almost half the country still agrees with him.

It may have been an old man jog but he was moving way faster than Trump has moved in decades without needing oxygen.

I bought a white GC last week and named it Snowflake.

I had one guy at my work say in the lunchroom “Biden is gonna shut down the economy”

Same here.  I haven’t talked to any of them about election stuff, but the Covid conspiracies were fantastic.  I can’t not laugh.

Lol. My wife’s reaction was: “That’s my car! That’s my car! Biden drives the same car!”

Likewise, work closely with several Trump supporters. Some of them very highly educated. The nonsense I’ve heard come out of their mouths in the last few days has just been baffling. I just had to stop one of them the other day when they started in on me in the hallway on my way to a meeting. A cold “you’re smarter

This is an outrage!! In fact, we should all buy a new Jeep and set it on fire to teach them a lesson!!

You can always burn it just like the Nikes.

Oh don’t forget the polls! The Fact that the national presidential polls were off by >4 points is proof that they were actually off by >8 points. ergo Trump won!

Trump: “All the ILLEGAL Biden ballots were hidden in these Jeeps!!! That’s where they came from, and that’s why it looks like he beat me!!! It’s FRAUD!!! Stop the #bidenjeepvotes! STOP THE COUNT!!!!!1!!

Yes! I was wondering about all the jeeps. The conspiracy theorists will have a field day with this. It’s really unfortunate to know they’ll be missing the bigger picture: those drones were actually pigeons (CIA controlled robots of course) and all the “American flags” were actually green-screened Chinese flags.