
It was just convenient timing. He’d recently watched The Punisher with Tom Jane. He had to teach his son a lesson that you kill people with chemicals, not bullets.

Hey, “knee hya-koo y’own jew ‘mon inn” ain’t that bad. That’s like what, 24k dolares?

Well, I know where you can’t find one.

Now playing

Fuck all these racist haters. Here’s a dose of medicine.

Maybe he just doesn’t want to have to open multiple articles because he doesn’t use tabs. That problem can also be solved with the scroll wheel via middle-click!

As a Missourian, welcome to the club.

I too thought so. In fact, I thought Motorex was in trouble because that was the *only* one they crash tested. In all fairness, though, I thought they didn’t crash test the minimum number of cars, so that was invalid. Still, these jokers chose to do it the wrong way, and now there’s going to be one less R33 in this

They just don’t appreciate it for what it is. That car is a finisher car! A transporter of gods!

Did it rain or something earlier in that day? I vaguely recall the preshow broadcast showing a shot of some heavy downpour in the pits, but couldn’t tell if that was from that day or the prior qualifier. (My Japanese is shit)

True that. I can say the same for my father’s work clothes during the years he hauled livestock.

But of course it’s Missouri. It’s always something bad when Missouri is mentioned here.

You sound upset. Why don’t you calm down and eat some friggin’ carpet?

There is one segment of the trucking industry that takes pride in having nice trailers. It’s odd, when you consider they are constantly covered in shit. Maybe it’s because they have to clean the damn things all the time.

Yeah, but how often do you check? How do you know there isn’t one of these stamped on your back?


It’s worse than that. They are going to stop killing hookers.

We have reached Peak Silicon Valley.

Leave me alone. I’m trying to trade in and I don’t wanna buy new gott-danged tires. for this ride

I too, remember this fella. I could sense a disturbance in the force, as if a single voice cried out, but was immediately silenced, because he didn’t post here anymore.

I’ve just learned to accept that I was stupid enough to throw thirty bucks at a game that will never be finished. Lesson learned. I’m very selective about early release purchases anymore. Thanks Wollay.