
Two strips increases reliability. You would need a checksum or hash to make sure the car knows which data stream is correct.

CP. Needs to be in black.

Nah. They’re underfunded. That’s what happens when you have to pre-fund employee pensions and can’t raise your rates to account for cost increases due to fuel costs or the costs of an aging fleet of Grumman LLVs. On top of that, the other shippers like to abuse the USPS’s mandatory cheap rates by having them perform

Now, what are y’all wantin’ to go hurt a poor little near-monopoly like us for?

This takes me back. I miss the musical styles from back then.

Probably not many. When I was looking at some 7 or 8 years ago, it was hard to find one that hadn’t been trashed. The ones that aren’t have a habit of destroying themselves anyway. I believe wiring harnesses and heads or head gaskets are the weak points. An engine rebuild is problematic, because you essentially no

Probably not many. When I was looking at some 7 or 8 years ago, it was hard to find one that hadn’t been trashed. The ones that aren’t have a habit of destroying themselves anyway. I believe wiring harnesses and heads or head gaskets are the weak points. An engine rebuild is problematic, because you essentially no

I never understood why these stupid things were attached to the doors until now. I thought it was just so you’d choke yourself when you tried to open the door. For me, the mouse-belts are much preferred, despite the maintenance. At least I get free replacements from Mazda for the life of my car.

Shi shi shi shaw

What happens when a COTD begets another COTD?

I thought maybe you were going to talk about the sick GTS light covers.

I’m confused. The US beef industry wants to sell beef to Europe, but they don’t want to have to label meat sold in the US with the country of origin? Evidently knowing what country your meat comes from is unfair to trading partners? Man, the world is fucked up.

I love it. It reminds me of the good old days of 10-12 years ago. :(

International driver’s licenses are easy to come by, though. In the US, I stopped by AAA, handed ‘em 30 bucks (I think) and viola, international driver’s license. Unfortunately, Toyota rent-a-car was out of 86s, so I ended up renting a Vitz.

It was near the reservation computer when I was there. I probably would have been fine, honestly, but I’m a worrywart.

I wanted to test drive, but I was intimidated by the sign saying you had to understand Japanese. I understand a bit, but I was like... “Oh man, I’m not going to understand something and embarrass myself.”

It’s a shame they aren’t manual. This shot makes it look ready to pull off some sick drifts.

This makes me wish I watched Toonami more over the years. I was and still am somewhat am a sub snob. Nonetheless, I respect the hell out of what they do.