
For the kids at home, let’s leave this to the professionals. This looks like a good way to break a wrist.

Ha. I’m coming from a Mazda2 and Mazda RX-7. Where I’m going, I don’t need roads low-end power.

Ah, those are very valid complaints. I’m coming from a similar place, though not as powerful. The most common vehicle I’ve driven has been the FWD hatchback, and to that end, I’m also considering the Fiesta ST, though I don’t know how much I’ll like it being basically the same chassis as my Mazda2.

Sometimes I feel like the marketers are falling for the old “No True Scotsman” fallacy. “Yeah, but you’re not a real millenial.” Then they all send each other high five emojis.

Out of curiousity, what didn’t you like about it? Asking as a near-future shopper.

Heh. Close enough.

As someone who wants to trade in a Mazda 2, this is depressing. I’m not surprised, though. People have always been dumb enough to buy bigger cars because gas is temporarily cheaper.

Ugh. Did someone mention Thatherton?

If you buy it, you’ll be more disappointed in yourself than you will be in the router.

If you buy it, you’ll be more disappointed in yourself than you will be in the router.

Midwest US here.

What’s funny is that I didn’t even feel unsafe in Kabukicho. Granted, it was the middle of the day, and those grannies looked a bit suspicious.

I’m a pretty noticeable guy, mainly because I have super long hair. Luckily, I didn’t have many people bother me about some of the foreigner stuff. I generally wear business or business casual attire, and I’m Native American so I have Asian-ey/Mexican-ey skin anyway. Essentially, I kept my head down and nobody

McRib usually comes in fall where I live.

I can agree that most of them look like shit. I wish I could find a modern head unit from a decent manufacturer that looks close to something you’d find stock.

Thanks, China.

Man, I feel classy this morning.

My god, that truck’s cargo must be worth at least... TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS! I never understood that plot point of the movie...

I wish us computer geeks could have kept the Internet for ourselves.

Mmm, none of the above. Just jyankuhin.