
I’m sorry, but if a human can’t correctly read current conditions, they are poor drivers. A computer acting too cautiously is not being “too good” at driving - they’re just as bad as an overly cautious human driver.

He is driving far too quickly for Japan.

She was making a point about bad habits. I used an IDP on my vacation to Japan last year. In fact, it’s the only ID they made a copy of when I rented my car, if I recall correctly. Also, you can only use an IDP for a year in Japan before you need to get a Japanese driver’s license, which you will never get because the

You can even drive this... car! It has four wheels, four tires, an alleged engine, and more interior space than a standard room at the nearest APA hotel.

This almost looks like a normal truck again.

I know it’s already known, but what’s amazing to me is that the aluminum Ford F-150 and a current Mercedes-Benz S-Class weigh about the same.

I approve.

This one should have been pictured in its natural habitat: in front of a Red Lobster, McMansion or office building.

Most definitely. I actually liked the preceding generation as well, but you can definitely tell its roots when you look at that small indentation that runs to the back along the shoulder line, as well as the structure of the cab. She was a looker, though. I quite like the 97 in hindsight, but I remember having a

No! We require rounded boxiness. Or is it boxy roundness? I am unsure. More thought is required on this topic.

Plenty of people talked about Benedict, just in a different manner.


They look even better with the pin stripe delete.

It’s funny how he went from hating cars to liking old European ones. His affection is easily seen in his films.

I checked this band’s site out. They’ve got some trippy English titles. Good tunes, though. Definitely good tunes.

Now playing

I had the Drift. I remember how dope it was having Google Maps.

I love this .gif every time I see it.

I half expected this to kick in once the landing gear touched the runway.

I hope I can use a coupon.

I had no idea there was someone out there who did these stunts exclusively with a truck. As a GTA trucker, I salute you. You’re the best of us.