
Definite crack pipe.

Holy shit. Not only does it sound great, it has that show I remember loving as a kit! I was disappointed when Balki didn’t show up.

You know what’s funny? My ultrabook’s Youtube performance with HTML5 video is abysmal for one reason - throttling. Typically, when watching Youtube with flash, my CPU would ramp up from the average 600Mhz to 1.6Ghz to compensate for the extra heft needed. For some reason, it does not do the same for decoding in the

In all fairness, if this were Gawker proper, it would need a few expletives in there, because nothing says professionalism better than the language of a teenager.

Hooooly shit. That is just awful.

Other sources are reporting hundreds.

I don’t think you need to hide information from congress to prevent influencing markets.

I thought he was the biggest misinformed joke of a candidate until I read his political positions on jobs and taxes on Wikipedia. C’mon, 1% tax rate for earners under 30K? That’s crazy good! He’s also a big supporter of US jobs. I’m seriously trying to remember that he’s an idiot.

This isn’t your average trade deal. It’s the biggest pile of crap I’ve ever seen. I think the fact that the negtiations are kept secret says quite a lot.

I didn’t know that DragonForce had gotten into the merchandising game.

This must be what all the article 9 stuff is about.

Nice price. Fresh taste.

He’s just airing out his ‘pits.

Dammit. Now I have to fish out my DVD. Thanks.

That damn astronaut (diver) and the barrel sold it. I also laughed a little too hard at the Daphne face punch. That was out of left field.

They’re just preparing for the next generation of Konami fans.

Was it Evil Betty? Must have been before 2 o’clock.

I’m guessing assets could, but people would have two places to manage them - I doubt Steam will connect to XBL. Mods would probably be a different story.

I wouldn’t be impressed by someone tearing out of there anyway. A light acceleration to decent RPM sounds great anyway, especially if you’ve got a sufficiently badass setup.