
I think a 2nd grader would be able to identify the US flag over the Liberian flag, tbh. A grown adult who probably wants to one day be in a position of power couldn’t get it right.

No one said it was supposed to be offensive. The point is that the GOP claims to love America so much more than anyone else but they’re just a bunch of clueless idiots who can’t even get the fucking flag right.

Well, that’s the GOP for you. They’ve moved beyond racism...and gone straight to deportation.

Just a flag mixup error it happens.

Every American who a) knows there’s a country named Liberia and b) knows what the Liberian flag looks like won’t vote Republican. Really, I don’t know why they deleted the tweet.

Fascism 101: There is an “other” enemy that is both weak and strong at the same time. You hate them for their weakness and fear them for their strength. The cognitive dissonance is the point.

The cruelty is now not only the point, it’s the only plank in their platform.

You really would think that at some point even the Republican base would demand that its leaders actually DO something constructive or build something, wouldn’t you? But no, torturing teenagers and burning books is enough.

Where is this streaming?

As a straight white male who has been a fan of the Indigo Girls for 30+ years, I find it shame that the focus is on their individual sexuality. Why not focus instead on their charity, their social activism, the way they’ve spoken up for downtrodden minorities, not to mention their amazing songs and harmonies. They are

If you don’t shed a tear over Amy’s version of “Romeo and Juliet’ on “Rites of Passage”, you have no soul. It’s definitely one of those songs where the cover far surpasses the original.

Budweiser hanging her out to dry didn’t help their bottom line. It also gets to her point about abandoning a trans person being worse than not hiring one at all; that holds business-wise as well as morality-wise….if they’d stuck with her they *might* have had a chance of at least picking up some business from people

Ugh. This is like stories #1004-1007 about Spacey grabbing someone unwilling and fondling their junk. Either he thinks they’re into it, or knows they’re not but doesn’t care, and either way, he’s a wretch.

the only good thing in this story is that it happened here in MA so she might get a fair trial.

How tf aren’t these places not being charged with fraud?

They’re living up to their name.

the suit says it’s against state medical regulations for registered nurses to read ultrasounds because they’re not licensed diagnosticians.”

Least tragic and most entertaining sinking of the month,...

Oh that tweet was 100% an attempt to get the band to invite him onstage. I'd put money on it. 

I don’t understand all the fuss. Did they or did they not pay for the most realistic Titanic experience money could buy? Seems like they should have seen this coming.