Not sure how many ethnic Chinese are planning on getting married in dirndls and lederhosen lol.
Not sure how many ethnic Chinese are planning on getting married in dirndls and lederhosen lol.
Wait, Tevas are back in style??! My 10-year-old self is SUPER EXCITED about this!
And Eric Stonestreet!(?)
I came here for the Bob’s Burgers references, was not disappointed.
I love this song so much and I refuse to apologize for it. You’re practically a robot if you don’t feel at least some urge to bop around to this song!
I once had some really bad allergy-related congestion and it turned into an ongoing mucus pipeline from nose to throat. I kept trying to cough up the mucus because it would tickle the back of my throat in a really annoying way but I wasn’t always able to get it up.
There is SO MUCH fake hair on the back of her head! It looks like she’s part human female, part pony.
Meghan — 2006 called and it wants this song back.
So calling people ‘cunts’ is now ok on Jezebel? I remember once a few years ago when I called an unlikeable fictional TV character a cunt and I was blocked from commenting. Oh, how times change.
YES! I mean, I really really enjoy visiting NYC and I fully appreciate all of the excitement and cultural cache that it carries, but the cost of living there makes it completely unappealing to me (living-wise). I once helped a friend of mine go apartment hunting in Manhattan when she was moving there for grad school…
I’m guessing it was one where she’s wearing a bigger, foofier dress since that Derby party dress was pretty loose in the skirt.
Clearly you’ve never had a UTI … and you thank your goddamn lucky stars for that!
Come to Kansas City!!! I read this whole article getting more and more excited about an app that would facilitate me meeting new friends in this city, then crashed in disappointment at the end :’(
My body is much differently shaped (I’m pretty straight-up-and-down, i.e., “boyish,” i.e., “athletic” looking), but I totally have the under boob fat, too! I always thought that was so weird/unusual about my body. It’s strangely comforting to know I’m not the only one! :)
Alternative: just sleep naked!
OMG! I have a deep and utterly ridiculous aversion to my legs touching each other while laying down. I sleep with a body pillow on the reg because I detest the feeling of my knees/legs touching each other when I lay down. If a body pillow isn’t available, I’ll even resort to balled-up T-shirts lol.
My God, DAT ASS (!!!)