Hello, sleeves of my mom's nightgown! This must be from the Zac Posen Negligé collection.
Hello, sleeves of my mom's nightgown! This must be from the Zac Posen Negligé collection.
Sooo fab! I imagine this is what a fairy would wear to a wedding or other festive occasion.
I mean...if I had the money to pay for full-time nannies, I sure as hell would be using them. Jus' saying.
I don't know if this is really his personality or if it's just a very clever PR tactic, but by George—he's just so damn likable!
1. Is that really Forest Whitaker's wife? I mean, girl looks great! But...also kind of like his daughter?
I mean, mermaids can be pretty, but I've never understood how they can be sexual. They're missing some very crucial bits that are required for...y'know...sex.
OMG YES! I am a child of the 90's but I really love a lot of 70's style. I despise 80's fashion, I'm kind of "meh" about 90's fashion, and I feel like the 2000's haven't really had a distinctive fashion moment yet. In the 70's, the hair was big, but still soft (before the 80's perms went into full effect), the clothes…
So this is my issue with uncircumcised penises (full disclosure, this story is second-hand so take it with a grain of salt, I guess):
Whenever I see her sexed-up like this, I can never shake the feeling that I'm looking at an age-inappropriate dressed Toddler in a Tiara. I wish I could express that better, but I think you'll get my point.
Awesome, thanks for your help!
This is kind of unrelated, but how do you post gifs? I've tried it once or twice on this here new-fangled commenting system, but they just seem to end up as regular pictures when I post them.
I have no doubt that he's super bro, but I <3 gingers so that kind of makes up for it to me. He's one of those, "Please let me ogle you, but don't make me listen to stories about your shenanigans" kind of celebrities.
I think this is awesome! He's totally transformed the medium to the point where I can't even recognize some of his paintings as computer-made. I think it's pretty cool that he found a way to enjoy art in a new way. You go, Grandpa!
Did he try to kills Lincoln? Yes. Was he HAWT? Also yes.
I actually really loved Sophia's storyline! They really make her seem like a honest character with making real life choices that seem authentic and difficult. She's not just portrayed as a stereotype or a plot-point oddity, but as someone who cares about her family and the trouble she's put them through in a…
I think the Daya/John relationship tends to be more analogous to a 17-yr-old (minor) having consensual sex with an 18-yr-old (adult). Technically the law qualifies this as statutory rape (well, it depends on the state's law... this is an analogy, ok!), but most, if not all, outside observers probably would not call it…
That's a good point, but to a certain extent, those options tend to be premised on the idea that you have money or other assets to put in a will or trust. If you die with no assets or with unpaid debt, you could potentially have nothing left to take care of your child.
That situation is exactly why I would never willingly choose to carry a developmentally disabled fetus to term. I know that every parent loves their kid(s), but if I ever had a disabled child, I would live in constant dread that my child would end up in a place like that after I passed away.
I just stopped by to say, OMG I LOVE THIS SPORTS BRA, YOU GUYS!!!*&(@(*!3
I don't know how this will sound to you people not existing inside my head, but I've always enjoyed the idea that my body could be really (conventionally) hot if really wanted it to. Most of the time my body exists in a relatively thin-yet-flabby state, but can also fluctuate to a relatively pudgy-and-still-flabby…