Does it every touch the ground, or just float along?
I remember the first time I figured out I could not only change my laser shot pattern, but also the orientation of my shields I was speechless for the next fifteen minutes. Then I found out you could change the Engines/Lasers/Shields levels, and wondered if I'd somehow peeked behind the curtain and seen the face of…
Nah, you want this one I saw last weekend, which was near mint. 100+ Porsches, 50+ Ferraris, yet this is (some of) the stuff I go to take pictures of:
1974 Saab Sonett III with a 1.7L Ford Taunus V4 (yes, V4). Sold for $6750. Damned if your neighbors will ever have anything as quirky that's as cool.
No, you must be thinking of Beneficial Cucumber
Mr German man was sure standing close to the boom boom.
2004 Viper - Top speed 190mph. $18,500 buy it now.
He is in public right?
You and anyone else can take all the pictures they like in public.
You're grounded.