
Cops were asking for help locating part of a mirror that could be "on the route from Dorchester to North Attleboro" a mere 40 mile ride.

Solution: Sony buys ALL BG licenses, makes Beamdog first party, releases BG and BG2 on PSN, Beamdog makes a brand new BG3 for 2015.

For collecting all your personal data and sending it to the NSA, yeah, it's great at that.

Don't bother trying to explain why it's creeper to reddit creepers. They are intentionally trying to make a backhanded MRA point here.

The amount of OKCUPID Nice guys and reddit creepers commenting how this is totes fine is disheartening to say the least. Hopefully most of those delusional creepers are just teenagers and don't understand how gross it is for professional environment.

Are you from reddit creepshots?

Comparing hardware add-ons to software options doesn't really work. YOu don't need to buy anything extra for a game to use cloud services.

None of that is restricted on either PC PS3 PS4 XBONE XBOX360 etc...

There is a difference between copying something (MS copying Apple) vs. actually innovating something. (Gasoline engine)

With reflexes and stamina regen, she is pretty boss.

Next up, we need to get Sony and MSoft to remove draconian "YOU CAN NEVER SUE US AND WE PWN YOU IF YOU EVER USE OUR ONLINE SERVICE" EULA

"innovation" = copying Apple's DRM?

I work in big corporate so I see this type of thing every day, usually the decision makers have a hard time getting "real feedback" before a project is already canned and ready to go.

Still can't play current XBLA games?

Typical corporate speak. All of the 'features' they 'removed' were really policies. They removed their forced DRM and now it's up to developers to create whatever 'features' they want for their games.

Nope, I did not compare the 2.

MS innovates the futuARS! All you gaming neanderthals don't understand that Always Online for an offline single player game is awesome!

A bit on the melodramatic side are we today? DRM is not 'innovation'. It's been around for ever and is an anti-consumer burden.

Indeed, a completely tone-deaf response from yet another corporate suit who isn't a real gamer and has no idea.

Because of the 'whiners'? Or because of 90% negative feedback from everyone?