
Any dev can make a game for XBONE or PS9 and make cloud and online a 100% requirement. The only difference is now MSOFT isn't forcing that onto every single game.

When you say capable of so much more, you mean cloud? Both XBONE and PS9 can use the cloud, and developers can make cloud and online mandatory for any game they want.

Well that's kinda the thing. MMOS are a genre, always online is expected in that genre. This tactic was to make everything have the same requirements as MMOs, with only 4% of the benefit. Not a good trade off for consumers.

Indeed, removing excessive DRM is so 'disappointing'. The fans of XBOX demanded the changes, and MSOFT gave it to them. Who exactly are you upset with again? The consumers for asking for something, or the manufacturer for giving the consumers what they asked for?

Please don't ever use "punking" again. It's a brand of Ashton Kuthcer for chuck's sake.

Here I was thinking Cheryl Burke had the body of a dance-goddess.

YES. Vagrant Story proves this.

#DealWithIt guy just shit a brick

I think he means a 720, while high.

I'm not really a big boozer myself, but maybe when we finally decriminalize pot we can have weed-based parties. Although most of those would require pajamas and take place at the 7-11 nacho cheeze dispenser.

It's better than the other name they were considering

Take no offense, it's simply that this is a comment blog, so the length of your comment just is tough for this format. Has nothing to do with the validity of your personal history.

Without the booze, people don't show up is pretty much the reason. However we need to move past the idea that alcohol somehow excuses rape culture, or can be blamed for it.

Yeah those poor men being "demonized". We all need to just follow a chive brand slogan? WTF?

No of course you are not the only one. Serena Williams and plenty of other rape-apologists share this view.

Oh boy, that is such a bad move. Seriously, as you drink, and you start hearing 'advice' from your head about how to proceed, immediately remind yourself that you are drinking and your judgement is getting worse and worse with every drink.

The primary difference is if you are rich you can get justice.

So no one can link to any article at all on Gawker or Kotaku, they just "remember" reading said articles? You think it's cool to say that you "see" articles that generalize "every man on earth..as the devil" yet you can not link to any of them.

ROFL for some reason I read your entire comment even tho there is a large part of it that is dedicated to your personal history in high school!

So it's CGI from the PS2 era for 8 year olds with lots of Michael Bay 'splosions'? No thanks :(