My dream for the end of Scandal is all of DC burning and Mellie walking away from the ashes. #teammellieforeverandalways #mellieforprez
My dream for the end of Scandal is all of DC burning and Mellie walking away from the ashes. #teammellieforeverandalways #mellieforprez
Just #whitepeople things
ETA: There should be a ban for all white travelers to South/Southeast Asia under the age of 25, especially if they have dreads or hair that appears to be infrequently brushed.
Wow. You might want to go see a therapist.
Same. I guess maybe I should watch something other than SVU marathons.
Dislocated my jaw by yawning.
I yawned my face off.
I few months ago I had someone tell me, "I don't hate you, I just hate your sin. That's why I continue to pray for you and love you." Last thing they ever told me because I cut them out of my life immediately afterwards.
They loved their son so much that they killed their daughter.
"find something you love" is such bullshit. Seriously what do I love to do? Let's see, sit around on my couch and watch tv, read, eat, and maybe masturbation. How the hell would you make money doing those things? Lol.
I'm 35 and still don't know what the hell to do with myself. I have a job that pays well but I'm not enjoying all the shitty travel. I would like to find something closer to home but I don't know where to begin. People keep telling me to do something I enjoy, but that seems like I'd quickly stop enjoying said thing.…
It was an honest mistake... she meant to call them thugs.
I'm so glad I was not a famous singer in my teens/early twenties. I could have given Gomez a run for her money re: dramatic break up songs about my high school boyfriend.
Cornering someone in public, in front of a crowd, and hitting them with a surprise marriage proposal is not romantic. It is cruel, and a little bit manipulative ("they'll totally be less likely to say no in front of all these people!"). I really wish this would become A Thing That Never Happens Again.
I meant "All About That Bass" with all the crap about love your big whatever because boys like it. Basing your body-positivity on your sexual desirability in re an unsubstantiated generalization about the opposite gender's desires is no better than basing it on "being sufficiently skinny."
Hello, all. I am Of the Internet. I learned to code stupid HTML sites for my Neopets at the age of 10 and I was blogging about how much I hated my small town and couldn't wait to break free by age 12. Neopets became Livejournal and Xanga and they became AlbinoBlackSheep and Something Awful and Ebaumsworld and…
I think she's cute as a button, but her song is fucking annoying and full of sexist bullshit masquerading as "body positivity."
True confession time:
You guys need a better fact checker. Lillian Bubbles (Lil Bub) is not jut some feral runt. She is a a magical space cat who is visiting earth. She happens to be living with her dude for the time being and she wont ever really die, she'll just go back home.
"My purse is my life. It has everything and anything that you can need, possible. Comes down to bills, the kids' insurance cards," she said.
Same! I refuse to even click on the video. Too late, How I Met Your Motherfuckers, you blew it!
But I do want me to be friends with Idris Elba. I think that's reasonable.