
Please never stop talking about 1D. I need more people over the age of 21 to be 1D fans because currently I have no one to talk to about the fact that I like them.

Duuuude. I am not really attracted to Sebastian Stan, but the eye makeup and the mask? Oh my god take me now.

zayn is a FUCKIN specimen.

Sorry but it's all about Zayn!!

Not sure how weird it is, but I recall the thing that short-circuited my tiny, little brain the most. I still start to breathe heavily when I think about it too long. My wife (girlfriend at the time) told me she was going upstairs to take a shower. She came back down buck naked and took the video camera and plugged

lol seminal

A company that wants a believable spokesperson.

This brings me SO much joy. The show was flawed, of course, but I still love it. (Notice I stopped at the show, because as far as I'm concerned, the movies do not exist.)

Oh. Well, keep on studying, because you're misreading the articles here in a pretty spectacular way if you think this is a "hurray" moment for feminism.

Google Translate, MRA to English: "I'm talking out of my ass and can't back up my bullshit because none of this site's feminists has ever said any such thing."

Show your work.

are you guys talking about Niall and Zayn or....

But Drake never wants to "let it go" when ass eating is involved, that would be downright rude to pass SO2&CH4 in someone's face.

My sister tries to tell me that this is why people have children. I'm like, "This is why people write books or compose music. Go discover the cure to a disease, or say several very witty things, or paint a picture. Start a blog or weave a basket. Your legacy doesn't have to have our fucked up genes."

Thank fuck you can do that with art or a novel or any other number of creative acts.

That's a whole lotta narcissism, don't you think?

Ging/Abby spinoff!!! I am just smitten by her....I am in deep smit.

This is what I came to post. Fitz Must Die. Drunk Mellie for president. Sally Langston stays as VP.

Who cares if she feels like she is thirteen on the inside? Jez can be full of such bitches sometimes. There is been so much lady-hate recently that I feel like I'm on gawker most of the time.

Yeah, I felt totally in control at 17. I was a tough cookie.