1964 - Brazilian Coup
1964 - Brazilian Coup
Also, the horror of following a pre-set route designed by some feeble minded peasant. Us 0,01% have superior wills and shall not be corraled by some socialist notion such as “public use”.
Wow, we went straight into redutio ad hitlerum?
As I said, while I agree with McMaster, generals double taking a superior in government on the international stage is a great signaling of weakness of government which can further complicate international relations of western power, as the US has a leader position in…
I’m no Trump supporter, in fact I despiste the Cheeto, but the OP has a point. Even when wrong it’s not up to a General to double-talk the president in matters of public relations of external politics, this has nothing to do with democracy, just chain of command.
The Chevy Montana you pictured is a pretty crappy car, americans would have a heart attack with the crappy 80's 4banger engine GM pushes over here, the plastic fantastic interior and in true GM fashion, they’ve downgraded the rear suspension in the second generation car.
Offtopic but relevante: Now you understand The general animosity and lack of trust in developing countries toward USA?
What he’s saying is, due to subsidies , government should’ve more leverage to enforce fair princing of lease terms, which should to leverage to enforce fair pricing on goods.
I don’t mind it being porn if it’s so labeled, what I find offensive and derogatory is this “magic dicking” schtick. Seriously, making up a “mechanic” for sexing so they can say “it’s in the world’s logic” is pretty dumb and awful depiction of sex. This shit happens while anime rarely can make two characters enjoy…
Well, I don’t see how you disagree to my point wich is to make this kind of math you need to go all the way in the production chain of said “fuel”.
Also, as I said in the end of my post, wich you unfortunately didn’t quote all the way, I’m not pro EV at all, their carbon footprint is on the fence to me, but this…
It’s interesting how you cherry pick metrics, but your calculations are wrong.
You account for transportation losses on eletric power ie: Power loss through lines and transfomation, but fail to account that gas doesn’t magically appears on your gas tank or even gas stations, it moves mostly by truck from refineries to…
Yeah, in a way all parts are beautiful on their own, but as cohesive unit it just seems a bad bodywork mod.
I’ve been a PES and FIFA player for a long long time (Fifa since 98 on N64 and PES, since when it was still called WE 6), competed in WE9 and while you look at the big picture and you’ll see definite evolution over time, I can’t shake the feeling that it mostly rehashing and shuffling to one side and other every year.…
Seriously, this nationalist drivel “THEY HATE OUR FREEDOM HURR DURR” is what keeps making it acceptable for the US to keep policies and actions that attract this kind of hate.
Do you know what I also remember from 9/11? The Chilean coup, financed by CIA to overthrow a legitimate government. See also, the Brazilian…
Or maybe transforming in a dorky costume to a LMP rocket car, that further transforms into a plane.
The only way I see PC gaming being relatively hard and frustrating is if you’re a pirate, but it is still pretty easy (maybe because I was one for so many years), you just look up instructions and you follow them to the letter, which, in my experience is how you 99% of computer related things, completely mind-numbing…
I feel quite the opposite, in that first picture I was surprised how much better the back end is without the roof.
Idk, fully assembled it look clunky and heavy, unlike Jaguar backend that looks lithe and swoopy.
Yeah, living in Norway surely must be awful.
The only car with the accolade of being Front Mid Engined and Read Mid Engined of all time.
I approached the issue this way, just on the opposite view. I mostly tried to exercise in the beggining, swimming to fight my sedentarism and didn't focus on weight loss at all, I tried to eat healthy but didn't count calories and all that malarkey, my goal was only expanding my capacity to exercise (I'd try to swim…