
and to add insult to injury, he gets tagged on the dick. Classy.


They wear blue, like the Italians. Maybe there's a trend. We'll see what the French do.

It was the group of death only for the US. Group B was the real group of death.

It was the group of death only for the US. Group B was the real group of death.

"Oh, look! PC graphics are better!" We get it. PC master race, blablabla. At this point, comparing PS3 and PC graphics is ludicrous. Of course PC is better. What did you expect...? Plain stupid. [PS3 player here]

I hope everyone remembers all the spring training injuries once the WBC comes along again.

Good thing they didn't book Iggie Pop then...

and Why do you have ChaBoyy's emblem on your gun?

I'm in France and I can't play the video because of location restrictions. Brilliant.

As a Frenchman, I concur with both statements above.

And just because of this comment, next year's vote will be done via doodle.com

You'll all be fine now that Tony's in charge....

"Battlefield 4's PC version has had some problems since launch." and it was a breeze on other platforms?

Not anymore.

So you haven't read...?

Now playing

You mean Football Tennis? It's more like badmington, really.

Does that mean that Cinavia goes away with it?