Good for you.
Good for you.
That would explain why I got a World Record time on the first online race then... I must've been the first person to ever log in on ps3...
As long as we're higher than France, we're ok with whatever ranking we get.
It looks like you may be able to do that in on of the DLCs: "Battlefield 4 Naval Strike – Experience dynamic ocean combat as the Chinese armada takes the fight to the sea."
The main difference is that in the UK, not 90% of baby end up in intensive care, so the hospital can rake up as much cash as possible.
So they took a Daft Punk track, destroyed it and put it in their trailer? wow... Can't wait to see birgirpall break their game. Should be as easy as the Street Cleaning Simulator was.
I wanna know too!
As a non-American who's never set foot in an American university: what the fuck was that?
With the WBC in full swing right, I really hope we'll see national teams in future releases.
Can't stop thinking of LaFondu...
Carbera hitting leadoff and Harper hitting cleanup. That list of names was impressive, but all in the wrong order.
I think they're planning to win.
Did I just watch a shitty commercial for Assassin's Creed III and GoPro?
This one needs a birgirpal review.