
EVERYBODY loves giant robots. Fact.

This is officially my killer app, and will be the reason I buy a WiiU.

Way to open up with a fallacious argument, I'll read on with confidence hoping I still have some left over self-respect and intelligence...

What the hell are you babbling about? How does making a female character sexy make it sexism? That makes no sense? Does a scene with a black man eating chicken racist? Does a scene where a man wrestles a bear automatically animal cruelty? Or is the CONTEXT more important?

Agreed. I love how everyone tries to call "sexism" for everything these days. I love the hypocrisy of the gaming community. "Oh! Games are art! Blah! Blah! Blah!" But then, everyone thinks the "artists" should censor themselves. Art is about free expression. Don't like it? Fuck off.

Shaming this out of existence isn't going to make a variety of female characters suddenly appear. The answer is NEVER less art. The answer is more. More women. Because if you're not saying that all these designs need to go away, then how many should we keep? How many should we allow to exist and how many others should

But there's a muscular woman and an effeminate sexy man in the game. You can choose your character, numbnuts.

High five for that quote. I like to think I do my best to not be concerned with being childish at times. This is especially important because I have a young child and I would hate for her to grow up with the opinion that adult life is a dour and tedious thing. Often enough, it can be but it's all about your

I mean I do love that quote something fierce and I've even used it on this very website several times but I'm not entirely sure it's the best quote for the occasion.

Xenoblade become not just my favorite JRPG ever, but my favorite GAME of all time, dethroning Ocarina of Time after a well-earned 15 year reign at the top. Everything in Xenoblade worked for me; great characters, great visuals, massive areas, beautiful soundtrack, deep battle system, loads of customization, highly

Seeing as how I put 110 hours in FF13 and hated every underdeveloped character, and I put 160 hours in Xenoblade and loved every last single one of the cast of that game, I think you're so very, very wrong.