It’s a book about game development, telling a bunch of behind-the-scenes stories on how various games were made. More to come in the next few months!
It’s a book about game development, telling a bunch of behind-the-scenes stories on how various games were made. More to come in the next few months!
You do realize you are asking a YouTuber to be professional, right?
“I can no longer be objective about this issue because you don’t like me.” That makes no sense at all. Either be a professional or GTFO.
Should a critic cease coverage of a game simply because a developer does not like them? According to one YouTuber,…
Ugh, I HATED TLS, for pretty much the exact same reasons Jason hates Xenoblade. There was seriously NOTHING interesting about that game to me, but I consider Xenoblade one of the best games ever.
Opinions and all that, eh?
Nothing against the 101, but if any Wonders are going to be in the game and I hope they are, I think Viewtiful Joe should be guaranteed a spot first only because both are big heads, small body, Power Ranger influenced heroes.
Konami exec#1: ok guys! We finally killed that pesky goose. It was laying these useless golden eggs that we don't know what to do with. Stupid goose. I can't eat gold!
Don't worry, Jason. Your 3DS would simply have slipped through the screen into a parallel dimension where Teddy would have kept it safe for you. Oh, but the things he would have made you do to get it back though. Unbearable.
Akame ga Kill suffers from the issue of ruining the mood, going from a serious moment and then dropping a random humor moment out of the blue which just kills it for people. It's still a great anime and I'm loving it but I understand what people mean when it kills the moment all the time.
I'm the lead engine developer. I honestly didn't do it for any kind of political agenda or to make any kind of statement. I did it because the Sega Dreamcast was my favorite console growing up, and I literally taught myself how to code C and C++ just to develop games for it. It launched my engineering and game…
I like that they chose a BAMF pose versus a sexy pose for Ryuko. She's BAMF-y all the time, but figure sculptors could have completely gone the sexy direction just in the interest of anime figure-ness. I'm glad they kept her character in mind. I too prefer the poseable kind, but this is definitely nice.
Do you think that the game should also tell you what move the boss plans on using as well? And how much damage that will do? Heaven forbid something unpredictable should happen in a boss fight.
Oh boy.
I think we can both agree that video games are just as much an artistic medium as any other. We're at least not dealing with that form of irrational cultural conservatism. Thank goodness for video games forums! c:
Back to your main points, though...
This goes back into the comments I made in the EDIT section of my post.…
Fair enough. I just think it shows that there are shades of grey in this and it can't just be a black or white "zero tolerance" policy.
Sounds to me that you dislike the people that (ab)use kickstarter more than that you dislike the concept of crowdfunding itself...
Passion and hard work are nice and all, but if you use that drive you have combined with a willing audience. Those two combined can utilize crowdfunding to create something magnificent.
I think the notion that it all in the characters head, or is all just a dream or mental breakdown or coma, etc. is a very lazy and amateurish theory. And it's become an automatic theory to a lot of people in the past decade anytime there are questionable plot elements.
Yeah, as a feminist I do not like the booth babes, and would like nothing more than a focus on staffing booths with knowledgeable people based solely on their knowledge.