
Is that... I know that guy, he's one of the reviewers from RPGFan. His taste in RPGs is very good, and I wish I could say the same about his stance. I just have a bad taste in my mind just thinking about it.

PC Game Supply is pretty legit from my experience.

To be honest, you can make an American PSN account on your EU PS3.

Any new information on why your Mandibuzz was considered illegal? I didn't knew Pokemon X and Y would contain illegal Pokemon to begin with.

The repetition is actually intentional because of the plot. Sure, they could have at least diminished the repetition by 4, but there's still additional cutscenes and whatnot to each repetition/cycle.

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Wow, lots of buzz has gone here. I wonder why.

I completely agree with your comment, comrade.

No, Samurai Flamenco is brilliant in a different way imo.

In the first 7 episodes, it starts off as "Japanese Kickass". It pictures the chronicles of aspiring hero, Masayoshi Hazama wanting to make the ideals he learned from Sentai and Toku shows a reality, becoming a "fighter of justice".
Hidenori Gotō is his foil,

I guess that's why I like Gurren Lagann and Xenoblade so much. These anime and game are just part of the Nietzchean style in which humanity must confront a greater power than itself, and become their own gods, the Ubermensch, in the end.

You should try Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as well. It's a very inspirational, existential anime with great character development.

You could wait till Finlander releases the engine he has made for Super Robot Wars Eternity, a SRW fangame. Apparently, the engine will have similar user-friendly interfaces and such as the RPG Maker programs but with a SRPG battle system instead of the traditional RPG one.

Nah, don't need to.

Why not just both ;)

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Dear Mac Gamers,

I come here with a fancy game that's exclusive for the Mac. Most people think it's only available on the iPhone and iPad, but it's actually available on the Macbook's App Store as well.

Well, it's a "Xeno" game. From what the trailers have shown, battle system-wise it will be something very similar to Xenoblade's. However, it's also similar to the battle system of games such as White Knight Chronicles 1 and 2.

I like the unrealistic giant sword it carries on its back :3

It's a Japanese RPG.

I guess my "Top 12" would be more Japanese Games-oriented. I would probably also include sadly-enough-Japan-only games like Super Robot Wars OGs2 and Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS (Full Boost).

Can't blame you, man. I hate my people too at times.