
that a responding police officer was also injured when another officer’s gun accidentally discharged.

Except by the angle there is no way that is her cape. Far more likely it is Superman’s. He just flew across the camera and she is pissed he is ruining her shot.

Long-time fangirl here, who attended conventions in the 70s and had her chest stared at by Asimov: he was a man of his era. He “othered” women (just read his novels to see what I mean) because he grew up, like most of the men of his generation, thinking of girls and women as these strange, inscrutable Female creatures

I was a young female in the 60s. Let me tell you, gropers were creeps back then just as they are now. Good guys did not grope women, assholes did.

Damn straight. I was also a female back in the 60s and groping was douchebag behavior back then too. Decent guys didn’t grope; douchebags did.

This is a delicate point, but it’s worth noting that Asimov was already aged in his 50s by the time the Women’s Liberation movement started to gain real cultural currency.

As someone who was female in the 60s and also familiar with shitty sexist behavior at that time, I’m here to tell you that this excuse cuts no ice. It wasn’t like people had just discovered fire back then and were still drawing on cave walls. There was a rising consciousness, and people were being called out for this

Shhhh, they’ll find out! They thought 66 was the body count.

DC's upper management was deceived. The contract was written in red ink which they were told was from the blood of the dogs Sarah McLachlan couldn't save.

But where is the Bat-Female-Villain-Repellent?

Though going off the clips, it looks like “bringing The Tick into a darker world” is LITERALLY “bringing The Tick into a darker world”, rather than “reimagining The Tick for a darker world.”

Okay that last clip has me sold. I will definitely watch seems like it might actually be fun

Brick, are you just looking at characters on the page and saying that you love them? ;)

That young man fills me with hope. Plus some other emotions which are weird and deeply confusing.

Billy really is doing God’s work. #MakeAmericaBrannigan

Only the good guys had guns, so I’m sure she’s actually fine.

“Why can’t I just be cool?”

the children in that adam hughes image are actually the cast of friends

That one reminds me of this one from Adam Hughes ( with an elephant, not kittens, but still adorbs):