
my divorce in 2007

He’s like a human Jiffy-Pop!

I’m worried @joshmalina is preparing a defense argument for...something?

Me neither; her last name is Clark.

She’s happy because CRUZBUS and TAMENTE were two of the best Scrabble hands she ever had.

The sixth season is original content. Yahoo! Screen is a website located at screen.yahoo.com.

Choppin broccolaaahhhh!

Classic "monkey steals the peach" move.

I'm very happy to hear that Kristin Schaal appreciates a man who'll show his, uh, brain. ;)

Are you trying to tell me it isn't really spelled "prisint"?

who types with henpeck hands

Now playing

This Beauty and the Beast story has already been done:

They've been making live action movies out of their Disneyland RIDES for years now! Of course they're out of ideas!

It probably depends on her part in the mo I is.

(P.S. If you are wondering how many times I wrote "tasty pudding" instead of "hasty pudding" while composing this post, the answer is twice.)

As much as I love Clifford, my very favorite Bridwell book was "The Witch's Catalog." As a kid, I knew it was all just for fun, but even now there's a part of me that's certain I could find a little bat fat and flea tears and a hollow tree, and...

Against Andy Richter's $39,000!

I flirted with the idea of asking him for a mold of it before breaking it off,