That's not her real waist, either. (Not surgery; PhotoShop.)
That's not her real waist, either. (Not surgery; PhotoShop.)
But Mettling, who lives in Burbank, added that he would never vote for a Republican to replace either Feinstein, 81, or Boxer, 73.
I don't understand the point of the "Kotaku's old mascot" tweet. So this website used to have a sexy sci-fi girl image, BUT THEN THEY STOPPED, and that gives GamerGate the high ground...for reasons?
Yeah, well no one wants to be called the Brussels of the Rust Belt, now do they?
No, he doesn't, and it looks like he's doubling down on 12/25 as the literal birthday of Jesus.
We must learn the secret of Dessert Island immediately!
He also looks like (if the gun were loaded, etc.) he'd blow the fuck out of his wrist. No, his "joke" isn't funny, but come on, pe0ple.
There's an issue of DC's 1990s Spectre comic series which retells the killing-of-the-firstborn plague story - the Spectre is in fact Yahweh's Angel of Death (and nearly destroys future teammate Nabu/Dr. Fate, who's working for Pharaoh at the time, when he tries to save the kids' lives.)
I love her adrenaline-fueled physicality in this sketch, bouncing (sometimes literally!) off Samberg's quiet stillness. (And also that SNL still sometimes just runs character-based sketches, that don't have to try to be a million jokes and a jokey payoff. We need more of these.)
This, and more, from my forthcoming unpublished collection, "Tales Rejected By McSweeney's."
Oh, I'd love that.
From her coloration, I figured she was tame, rather than domesticated. (Which is very nice - in her pseudo self-domestication she gets to relive her puppyhood in a safe and happy environment.)
Yeah, that seems like some really dry sarcasm. (but I'm still not 100% sure)
<sigh> It's a bad sign for 2014 that if I got that fortune, I'd shrug, agree with it, and ask Mr. Haagen and Mr. Dazs for comfort.
Angela Chase, gone blonde.
This is what the classification of "dwarf planet" was created for - the small spherical objects that haven't swept clean their orbits of other objects. (Pluto, Eris, Makemake, Haumea, and Ceres, so far.)