
I resent that I’m even skimming this article....

...ok? I didn’t write the article.

Im playing Destiny 2, Diablo 3, and Dragon Quest XI

Furious paying customers are also very deeply stupid. Having a new enormous source of new players is only a benefit to the paying players who will now have much more allies for strikes, raids, crucible, gambit, etc. The servers having troubles on day 1 is not such a burden that it wasn’t worth doing this.

I think it is a side effect from fucking your cousin.

I want Barack to win an Emmy. A Grammy, A Tony, an Academy Award. I want him to buy The Chicago Bears and win ten fucking Super Bowls. Yes that would be the thing that really sends that fat fucking piece of shit over the edge. The NFL has laughed at his ass for years and denied him entry into their club. Why? They

I like that he wouldn’t take the lord name in vain but had no compunctions about “mother fuckers.

and Diddy knows what’s up. If it weren’t for Owens, no one would be talking about his Revolt Summit, today.

I always chuckle whenever I hear about white people in America wanting to bring forth reminders about who committed atrocities toward whom in our past.

If the writting is good I could be a cats butthole for all I care.

That is what happens when you blame drag queens for shit that ain’t their fault. They stop helping you choose the right eyeshadow. 

Despite the shenanigans, a middle-aged woman has become accepted and celebrated in a medium that tends to be indifferent, if not downright hostile to those that are not young and beautiful. Yes, I see that as a positive thing.

But isn’t telling American congresswomen to first go to another country and fix those problems before trying to fix problems in America the very definition of putting America last?


I worked QA on Black Ops III at the El Segundo Activision location, placed by Volt. We were paid a base wage of $10/hour, and initially the hours were 8am-6pm Monday thru Saturday. Crunch time we worked 7am-7pm every single day of the week.


Tell ya what. Apple is WRONG. I just checked. I have a mid-2012 MacBook Pro. I figured “what the hell?” I’ll check anyway. The message I got said my computer was not eligible. I wasn’t surprised. What DID surprise me is that the message continued with “our records indicate that your computer was already serviced

You seem cool.

Video wasn’t inherently about streaming either, though, you had it stored locally usually on a disk or tape. Video Game streaming is making the same leap.

I mean, this is one of those cyclical rabbit holes we could go down since before being stored locally video was almost exclusively a streaming service to homes...

I guess you’re seeing a lot of unfounded criticism of Trump that I’m not. It’s hard to imagine any criticism of Trump that’s not unfounded.