It’s a good thing the Inauguration is in Jan because they are going to need a metric shit ton of disinfectant to clean that House out.
It’s a good thing the Inauguration is in Jan because they are going to need a metric shit ton of disinfectant to clean that House out.
Beef Fried rice and Chicken Wings with an extra dash of MSG.
I kind of figured that’s what it was because nothing else made sense. That and Olbermann has a real hard on for getting rid of trump.. That doesn’t make it any less stupid or insulting. Next time, just call him an old whiny bitch like everyone else does.
All this shit is so weird. We are literally in a war of good against evil.
This dudes Persona music breakdowns are a treat to watch.
Who wants to listen to heavy breathing, bad music and useless advice from some asshole that thinks he knows more about the game than you ...
For a bunch of so called superior people, they seem to like acting like goddamn savages. All of this stupid behavior and none of them seem to see that they look like fools. Amazing.
“Grab the Fuckin’ Governor, Just Grab the Bitch”
The game still has issues. The game still crashes in missions and matchmaking has been terrible (I have played on all 3 platforms) and the framerate on both consoles is trash.
It’s a goddamn shame that a free to play game like Genshin Impact is a more solid release than a game produced by one of the largest publishers in the business. Take notes CD.
“First, the bad news: Don’t expect to use that whole terabyte of storage.”
I care about his well being as much as they care about my health care.
Damn, I just heard “Happy Feelin’s” for the first time in I don’t know how many years and I’m so glad it popped back into my life (playlist).
Not quite as good as Game pass but it’s great that you can buy a console and as soon as you get it you have a library of games to hold you until you can afford to buy new ones.
That’s a baller PR move for sure. As long as that lady felt like she was protected after that ordeal it’s all good. This is good business 101. Also, fuck racists.
Yeah, especially since they aren’t the original likenesses of the characters anyway. That and the fact that throughout the years, multiple artists have put their own spin- hell, even redesigned how some characters look. That said, I think the reason everyone is freaking out is because some of the characters just…
Fear Of A Black Hat is one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen unintentionally and is a great supplement to CB4, both movies I love dearly. It was the funniest shit EVER to see Lamar from Revenge Of The Nerds become the great TASTEE TASTE. lol.
“Even when you inherit some bullshit you have to take accountability and try to rectify the issue.”
Hearing Nikki Haley talk about how brown she is just fucking made my head explode. She is as brown as a goddamn florescent light bulb.