“This is something that should have never been indicted, and every police officer that works particularly in Jackson and in this county could find themselves in this position,” Francis Springer, attorney for Officer Lampley, told WLBT”
“This is something that should have never been indicted, and every police officer that works particularly in Jackson and in this county could find themselves in this position,” Francis Springer, attorney for Officer Lampley, told WLBT”
“Wherever you go there you are” is what she is saying as per Doctor Banzai’s advice.
Occam’s razor. Makes sense. This is the darkest timeline after all.
Dolly Parton has always been awesome. It’s good to see she still is.
While Sony’s 1st party is VERY good at what they do, There have been some great 3rd party single player games out there. EA of all people, just made a GREAT Star Wars single player game not too long ago. And did you forget about Cyberpunk? I will admit that they aren’t as popular to make, there are still a lot of…
To be honest, why would you want to launch an RPG anywhere near a brand new CD Projekt RPG? It needed the time anyway, it looked rough the last I saw anything from it. I’d like to play it anyway but I can certainly wait.
I believe that people like Dr. Disrespect are being their real selves rather than wearing a “disguise”.
Both Revenge and Paradise are both fantastic burnout games. In my opinion Revenge still having a crash mode (sniff) makes it better, but goddamn it Paradise was the game that made me see how much fun coop multiplayer could be on the 360. I loved grouping with people and driving around doing stunts. Also, Paradise had…
Yep. This was exactly what I was thinking. I don’t think that it was an official thing, just something that some low level marketing grunt thought was funny while working on innumerable excel spreadsheets during some inexplicable overtime..
Sometimes reaction videos annoy me because literally everyone and their grandmother are making them. But sometimes it’s cool to relive something special through someone else’s eyes.
I’ve played through a couple of hours today and I really enjoyed it.
It’s a pretty hilarious crotchety old man answer, let ‘em have it.
I think keeping a promise would have avoided all of this. I don’t agree with people showing up at my house unannounced at 5 in the morning, but if you didn’t follow though on an agreement, this is the kind of thing that happens.
Wow. So basically a cop doing his job properly is a point for celebration? That’s nice that it worked out for him, he didn’t get killed for doing nothing like so many others.
It’s on him, he would have had a better chance stealing trillions from the public. That seems to have a better chance for some reason.
Didn’t wish death upon him but fuck him because he was incredibly stupid and paid the price for it.
Oh this shit again. Black people can’t have SHIT. We were fucking slaves and had to die and fight for what we have. We’ve been here for 400 years and people act like we don’t deserve what we have. Oh you didn’t get a award? Well just blame Black people for your problems.
“You cannot,” he continues. “We literally had a war about this.”
Dear Doja,
Hell yeah. That’s OG videogame shit right there.