
The art directer is from Studio Ghibli, hence the anime look.

If I remember correctly, they are companion games and not ports. The story and gameplay of the DS game is different from the PS3 game, though not a sequel per say.

What's with the Christmas font?

Complaining about the augmented vision is a bit daft. In the original, the sparcity of game elements meant that a single panel on a wall stood out. In a Dues Ex: Human Revolution, there is so much going on in every room that trying to distinguish set piece from prop would be obscenely frustrating.

You forgot the look of disapproval in the same office as the Forever Alone rage face note.

And yet, you will all remember prototype 2 for this.

Is this some kind of PC gaming is better thing?

Are you a PC gamer?

Quite. What did I miss?

It needs some balloons and streamers.

In Gears 1 and 2, everything is grimy, freshly destroyed. It worked. Here everything looks clean, (reminds me of Killzone), but not in a fresh brand new way, but in a time-worn weather erosion, way.

Turn on Vivid post processing. It's like a RAVE.

For $2,800 dollars this is not the future of gaming. I'm sorry.

Naughty Dog is filled with amazing artist's and animators. They really could make a movie if they wanted to, same with Valve and the "meet the X" films. They had expressed interested in a film, though I can't find the quote now...

I wouldn't doubt it, honestly.

Am I the only person that found the bugs to be amazingly hilarious and fun to discover? I don't mean the "can't turn in the quest" things, I mean the crazy Skooma addicts drinking while he talks to you, the bodies flipping out in a wall, the people who's head's flip backwards and look you dead in the eye, your horse

Miyamoto's rage, if it ever happened, would be righteous and just.

If you play the game, the gameplay itself feels like a movie. I've had people watch me play it for 6 hours straight.


Given how nonchalant I am with my character's health in games (I tend to take on way more than I should, for the sake of endless action and a challenge) this would make me very fat.