
It did, and I got the chance to play LOADS over the weekend, since we’d cleared our plates ahead of time. I kinda hogged it, so I didn’t mind turning it over to him for a while. It’s such a massive game that it’s actually nice to be able to tag out and just watch for a while. :)

I have absolutely no idea why that guy blew up at you. It was a perfectly innocent comment, and was a damned fact.

I’m an adult with a job and very few responsibilities aside from basic housekeeping and laundry duties/cat care/feeding my husband and I, and even I sometimes find it hard to find time to game.

Heck, last

Pretty much the same here, too. Up at 6:30, shower, breakfast, apply makeup, do hair, out the door at 8:20, at work by 8:30. Work 8.5 hours, come home at 5, feed cats, start dinner, serve dinner, spend 30 minutes on the treadmill, watch TV for 45 minutes, head upstairs, remove makeup, shower. My husband and I usually

Well, let’s hope you don’t find yourself out of work.

People are offended by literally anything and everything these days.

True. Some people didn’t take it that way. I wouldn’t expect everyone to. I don’t generally deal in absolutes. There’s definitely and absolute implication in the original comment, though. Even if they didn’t mean it that way.

It’s alright. As an adult with a job, I’m spending enough time here for the both of us.

Ha, star for you!

Interesting. I’d wager you were still an adult then, too. At least in some sense of the word. But I guess I could be wrong.

Imagine if I applied all this gusto to something useful. I could save the world. Or conquer it.

Because when I was in college with a part time Job I gamed 10x more than I do now. Thats what people mean. Pretty simple really.

Well an adult whose name is hentai mctoonboobs

Oh, I’m definitely insecure. No argument there.

“...you ‘adult jobs’ must certainly allow you ample free time...”

Cute. Of course you don’t see anything wrong with the OP’s wording. No one who works could possibly have time to write 20-second responses on the internet. Never mind the fact that I might not be at work

I’m in my 30's, full time job, and I took off last Friday to play Zelda. And I told my boss, coworker, and even my HR person (it came up in conversation) that I was doing so. No shame in it! I don’t know if some of these “adult with a job” comments come out of being insecure in their hobbies, or what, but I don’t

You’re reading waaaayyy too much into his innocent statement.

Your whole response to this (and quite a hefty response at that, I eye around 8 separate replies in this thread alone, your ‘adult jobs’ must certainly allow you ample free time) is befitting of an insecure manchild.

I don’t think they were “implying” anything or trying to telegraph some sort of judgy insult to you specifically. It’s just kind of a catch-all type of thing that people say when they don’t feel like outlining the complexities of their life that prevent them from doing everything they want to do.

being an adult means having adult responsibilities. Some people have more responsibility and have to prioritize work/family/friends over sitting around playing games.

I’m proud of you my Faux Bravo.

I like when people say things like “as an adult with a job.” What does that mean exactly? What are you implying?

I have a full-time and a part-time job. Sometimes the part-time job grows into full-time work for a week or two at a time. I do a myriad of other things, as well. Yet I still find time to play games,