“Mugger, use Sucker Punch!”
“It’s super effective!”
“Mugger, use Sucker Punch!”
“It’s super effective!”
I remember when Kirk wouldn’t play Gwent, either. They all come around... eventually...
Oh you are gonna love this ! :D
I saw Mad Max: Fury Road at almost midnight on a Sunday, which was fine, except I walked out of the theater more pumped than I’ve ever been in my life to run through walls and fight and shit, and it was 2 a.m. on a Monday and the streets were abandoned and I had to go home and go to sleep.
Cloud as in, Cloud who is already in the game? Cloud who’s actually reference in the article?
It’s like going back in time
Welp, time to buy Sims 4.
Pics or
OK the running around and scanning and all that look great, but what about the dancing? Big part of the Mass Effect games, not sure how the new PS4 can handle it.
So repetitive that I feel like I’ve seen this on the website before.
That’s not what he’s saying, he’s saying the sentence in brackets makes no sense.
The problem isn’t with the ellipsis, it’s with the parenthetical, as he said. You start saying, “No one assumes that you, the new guy...” and never finish that thought.
I see your name now and based on the articles I’ve read, they’re just based on your own opinion and have no substance like the article about having better enemies in games, like WTF haha. I dunno, maybe I would suggest to just write articles on reporting gaming news and not this pointless stuff about a game that may…
Finding out pretty early in my life while playing Goldeneye 64's statue level that I get motion sickness from FPS, I would highly disagree. Specially with MGS since it’s not a shooter and you need the spacial awareness for your sneaking. You have to be very sneaky. You have to know where your body is, not where the…
“neither of those games are scary...to ME” - fixed
Didn’t think about gender when I wrote this list. Was too busy thinking about what novels would make for great video game worlds.
Holy cow...I’m giving you a star just for your name. Fantastic...
Well, she’s kinda a hack. Her subsequent seasons of her show have been... tired in terms of the comedy and she just went through a huge issue where she was fine with a misogynist giving her show value as long as it was under the radar.
Mee mother mee moo moids moo midenmimied mare mot mammom mexammles.