
60 years ago would bring us to 1957

If Chris Cilizza and Mark Halperin get drafted, it’ll have been worth it.

Who the fuck wants to have a beer with Scott Walker?

Chin up. That’ll be Putin’s Canada, soon enough.

Are you sure? Sen McConnell’s office sent out a press release saying it’s normal so...unsure what to think here

“Its okay that Russia influenced our elections because Iraq”

Dr Who blvd

Strange, cuz rejecting a beautiful home because of the street name, is maybe the whitest thing I’ve ever heard

Yeah, hippie punching is severely underrated

Payton/Westbrook would be the best NBA fight ever

Its great that you can all drive fast or whatever (congrats), but the article was about cops ticketing vehicles for expired tags while they were awaiting inspection.

Thanks PC police!

I don’t know, I thought it was cathartic

love ya, brother

I’ll tell you what those spots are; A FUCKING MASS EFFECT RELAY!

We could call the new character ‘Poochy’

Jesus, calm down melanie.

As for those on the Kotaku Staff who have shown a blatant disregard of these basic journalistic standards, what shall their consequence be?

They were fighting over positioning that resulted in a collision, and was obviously going to (I am not saying Stewart did anything wrong here. Them's the breaks). Stewart understood this just as any professional would, so on the next turn around the lap, when there's a stopped car and an angry driver, I would think he