I feel like I’ve been seeing a lot of letters to advice columns lately that follow a formula of “*Catastrophically blows up relationship* *Ex says to never contact them again* ... So how do I ignore that and contact them again repeatedly?”
I feel like I’ve been seeing a lot of letters to advice columns lately that follow a formula of “*Catastrophically blows up relationship* *Ex says to never contact them again* ... So how do I ignore that and contact them again repeatedly?”
... when a 38 year old man says “leave me alone” should I just shut up and leave him alone?
Heartbroken in Seattle, you are a bitch. There’s no excuses, no mitigating factors, you’re just a bitch. Guy was right to walk.
That’s one of the craziest things to me about the letter. Like, why the fuck would he take it at anything but face value? You have literally no incentive to lie except simply to lie. How the fuck are you blaming him for buying your lie you had no reason to tell?
If someone is lying when there is really no reason for something like this, you know that this is not the first time and probably not even the biggest lie they have told.
And Sam, sweet Sam… He just took it all for face value.
I know who my husband looks at, but he doesn’t rubberneck. This guy sounds like the wolf from Looney Tunes.
I’d be willing to bet a small fortune LL cheated, or tried to. No one in their right mind deletes stuff that would prove innocence. Even if he didn’t want to find out about her, if he’s got “I didn’t do it” proof he wouldn’t delete it.
True story, I dated a guy who lived down the street from the ice cream truck depot in the West Village. Around 5pm, every summer evening, they all roll out as an adorably coordinated sugar-fueled cheer army. The jingles were always delightful because even though they were loud, they just sound like happiness.
Eh, I’m not mad at the Kardashians for being upset at Caitlyn here. Long before Caitlyn and Kris broke up, there were numerous things on for years about how Caitlyn (then Bruce) basically spent herself into near bankruptcy on stupid stuff. Even Caitlyn talked about this openly—- specifically how Kris basically saved…
Nobody who watched this in 01 would have guessed ScarJo would go on to become the huge megastar. Thora Birch absolutely killed it and I’ll never get over her crazy stage dad killing her career.
I’d just like to add that it’s a damn shame that Thora Birch’s career, for various reasons, hit an iceberg. She’s so good in this and should have gone on to even better things.
Can everyone control their impulses to collectively shit on this film until it’s actually been released?
I also asked her to describe Trump in three words and her response was: “Stupid asshole”
When You Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word, You Turn The Word “polish” Into Polish. This Theme Park Is Not In Poland. It Has Not Been Polished.
I hope she doesn’t catch shit that Barack did for the speaking fee. Both he and Michelle were subjected to the vilest abuse I’ve ever seen heaped on a Presidential family on a daily basis. They deserve every penny they get because they deserve it.
“I didn’t want to have tears in my eyes because people would swear I was crying because of the new president.”
Why are your left justified here but normal on my home computer (using the same browser)? It’s freaky (and I HATE IT).
More like most of my ideas right before I fall asleep.
"Ever wonder why you get most of your ideas in the shower?"