Kate Moennig! She played the lady killer on the L Word. With good reason :-)
Kate Moennig! She played the lady killer on the L Word. With good reason :-)
If I saw a dog doing that at a house party, I'd die (happy).
For a second I thought it said Tracy Egan. Random!
I didn't know this epic song had a video! Thank you!
This is my boyfriend in cat form. IMPOSSIBLE in the mornings, but too cute!
That's terrible; I'm so sorry. But it's great that you can give Calvin a loving home (and an adorable name!)
As in gross picture ahead. I didn't know there'd be a visual aside from the trainspotting one!
This really, really needs a tag over the jump. I get sickened from photos easily (as in I'm starting CBT for this) and I did not appreciate this at all.
So is the "Sometimes you need extra cash..." ad on my end.
"I hate when my baby name think tank fails me."
He met a friend of mine at a party and offered her drugs. What is with these addicted pitchmen? (see Billy Mays) Something's wrong here...
GQ? It's just Vogue dipped in testosterone. Definitely "Fashion, Service and Lifestyle" to a T.
Brilliant. I think this was almost as ridiculous/traumatic as my Plan B emergency...
Maybe it was an homage to Thom Yorke's moves in Lotus Flower?
@firefoxx66: Me, too! Also in Standrews. WEIRD.
I really don't get the point of this gawker overhaul. It's taking a terrible cue from new twitter and I don't know why. Just navigating around puts me in random places. I feel like an old man on a 1990's computer. This isn't working.
@sfikus: Me, too!