This won't scar her for life at all...?
Fits Zoolander's male model theory too a tee.
@eri401: This guy has: []
@CWnerd12: Here, here!
@accio_coffee: That's a brilliant idea.
Someone thought Mr. and Mrs. Smith was a documentary.
Why did I imagine those tweets narrated in Finn Tutola's voice? (weeps)
@lilithmelpomene: Considering that I noticed the clown super late... yeah.
If the findings were flipped (as in I'd rather have pizza/sex over self-esteem) they'd come up with a different negative result.
@dcorsetto: Actually choked on my tea when I read that. Hearted!
I can't believe someone took the time to draw this.
I've posted my answer before in a post from a while back, so apologies to those who'e seen it already:
I can't watch this whole thing. Once the singing started, they lost me.
@margarine-for-error: You had me at Electric Bugaloo.
@littleada: But that usually occurs when the family members are separated from birth/childhood. He might have been grooming her for this all along.
@littleada: But that usually occurs when the family members are separated from birth/childhood. He might have been grooming her for this all along.