This isn't BBC, it's ITV!
This isn't BBC, it's ITV!
Did anyone else catch that amazing Lafayette muppet in the opening? Had me in tears!
Why try to make millions of dollars if you're not allowed to eat? Then you're just supporting a tiny dress habit.
She's been "young" since 2005.
Kids, these days! With the hippin and the hoppin and the bippin and the boppin... they don't know what jazz is! Jazz is like Jello pudding...
Not English, Welsh!
Fell in love with the Netherlands and a wonderful Dutchman at once. Having one or the other is great, but both are amazing.
It's a cross between a doggy and a tiny pig. I'm in love!!!!
I never had a best friend, but my parents kept constantly asking me to name one. I'd fake having a connection to shut them up. But the fact that they demanded something I don't have made me feel like a failure.
@MySandwich: There's a certain window of time where you can just throw a baby into water and they're good to go. Once they get a little older and fear kicks in, it's harder to teach them.
"Pothy, remember when you were 6 years old, and your sister was stung by a wasp?" Judith says, changing the subject. "Your sister was crying, in hysterics. So what did you do?"
Yeah, I know.
@funzette: Amazing.
@andBegorrah: YES! Me, too!
"You took it there? OK..." Love it, Andy.
Blair needs to buddy up with Ray Kelly and run Homeland Security.
So glad I dropped meat.