
She was that demanding, shitty kid in all the high school plays who thought they had the run of the place merely because they had a "good voice."

The Scar one is excellent.

Whoa, I haven't seen Curtis Sliwa in ages! That said, what the hell is he doing?

The model in #5 and #6 is stunning. Who is she?

Uh oh. Double post, you guys.

I kind of want "offensive" to happen.

Dumb twitter excuse in 3...2...1...

What? Beezus was not a makeup dolling out sister. She was very serious and "grown-up."

Will this vomit on my keyboard violate the warranty? That's all I want to know.

Aww, baby Irish side-eye at drunk New Yorkers. Cute!

@Kessica: Awesome. I can't store it in there if I wanted to. I'm so flat I'd look like a sandwich board.

Funny, I'm on both. But I take them both at night, so no one's usually around anyway.

I want to know what products she uses. I'm back home to Brooklyn for ten days, during which time I will buy anything to get my hair to look like that.

@colormeroutine: Yes. Another telecommunications based video with and overhyped "story."

A. That was Tyrese? He's looking rough lately!

These fools make me miss PC Peterson something fierce.

So looking at your pocket watch was the old "texting a friend about this chick's BO"?

Home girl with flippy hair is soooo degrading to her coworkers. I hate her.