I really cant tell if that's a troll, and that is SO sad. =/
I really cant tell if that's a troll, and that is SO sad. =/
"SOMEdudes"? Well I never! Please be more specific. When talking about what large numbers of men do, I need you to actually name names otherwise YOU'RE the real racist.
But everyone knows women are only allowed to live their lives in 12-minute intervals before checking on the immediate needs of strange men!!
Congrats! Better start poking holes in condoms so you can lock that shit down, amirite? :)
Yeah that's the thing. No one is entitled to a response. I get guys on okcupid bitching all the time when I don't reply. I don't think they understand how much mail the average woman has to sift through. If I sat down and wrote every idiot a detailed explanation about why I'm not interested (although the assumption…
OMG...I hope you're not a horrible bitch like every other woman I've ever encountered! What could the common factor be? ANSWER ME!
(If this were a true trend piece, the title would be something like, "Men: Are They the New Women?")
I'm not sure those rules apply anymore, now that you can literally see when the person has received your messages. I love Whatsapp, but goddamn, do not leave me looking at those two little check marks without replying.
People should be required to take an online dating etiquette course before having their OKCupid (or whatever) account activated. First lesson: YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO A RESPONSE. No response = other person not interested = move on. Second lesson: THIS IS A DATING SITE, NOT A SERVICE FOR PERVERTS TO INDULGE THEIR…
This is pretty much the norm on OKCupid. I once had a guy message me 3 HOURS after his initial message, asking me "Can you offer me a decent explanation as to why a woman would not message back a man like me?"
i can't believe dudes want us to let them do things like lead the country and make decisions. they're way to mercurial for this, they must see it!
Longtime lurker here, not a troll. I have to post because the OK Cupid guy with the epic list of impossible demands (http://jezebel.com/this-is-the-mo…) is still online and he liked me!!!! Despite me being a real live human being and thus not at all what he's looking for.
The moon phase must be playing hell with his hormones. He'd best stay sequestered offline until he's a little more intellectually stable.
Wasn't the dating mantra for women always to wait like three days before responding to not seem over-eager? I think that's total bullshit, but maybe it's a good screening process to see who will reveal themselves as a complete asshole when you don't ask "how high?" the minute they say jump.
I know! He really just needs to calm down and stop being hysterical.
Right, I think about this crap whenever I hear the phrases Man UP, Grow Some Balls, Don't Be a Pussy.
I don't understand why you wouldn't want to get these kinds of messages, ladies. Sometimes you have to wait months or even years to find out you've been dating an asshole, but these guys just let you know right away. It's practically a public service!
Men are *so emotional!* My heavens.