Fellow Saskachewanian here, and OH MY GOD, the moment winter is over everyone at my uni looks several years younger, or like they've been in a cave for months.
Fellow Saskachewanian here, and OH MY GOD, the moment winter is over everyone at my uni looks several years younger, or like they've been in a cave for months.
Well shit someone call mugatu.
It's not that women aren't wired to have casual sex, it's that they aren't wired to find creepy,rapey online dipshits attractive. Ain't no one wired that way.
What you claim is literally impossible.
I live in SK as well, but I fear the river with such ferocity I bought one of those for everyone in my family. Also, you could totally die in a slew or dugout. Or at least I'll keep telling myself that.
Update: this comment section has made me lose faith in humanity.
That's brooke candy, and seeing as she's one of the most ignorant shits in the rap world, I wouldn't doubt it.
The body snark in the comments is strong...good lord.
Bodysnarking dudes is a shitty thing to do. Also,. last time I checked facial hair doesn't have it's own personality.
I literally got booted out of a store for saying "eh, I'm not a fan of that kind of music." in regards to beyonce. And you can't go anywhere on the net without people calling her a god.
Honestly I prefer the newer movie from a tone/them standpoint, but the screenplay hurt my soul. But I had major problems with how trope-y/cliche the swedish movie portrayed lisbeth and her lifestyle.
If the residents want it out, get it out of there. The company can put up as many dildo trees as they like in their stores. A company doesn't get the right to do whatever they wish to in a public space.
Yep, it also implies that modern cholo culture is representative or latinas and their life. Hint: for many, it's not. It's like saying all black people are represented in some way by ghetto culture. It's a really stupid thing to imply.
Fat unfortunately can really mess up your hormones, as it will basically muck up how they are distributed, and how they're absorbed, plus when meds are taken orally, they can end up absorbing improperly because of fat content in the blood and organs. It's kind of a mess all around. Medications like plan B are also a…
Because if they didn't, they'd be sued for other reasons.
To those who are getting all social justice-y in the comments: Kindly sit down and do your research.
Horses have been domesticated for so long. They need human help and exercise to live healthily. Many traditional horsesports(except racing) are actually very beneficial for horse's health and life span.
As someone who's been a horseback rider for ten years and a vet's assistant, I fail to see what's wrong with this.
I like her in theory, but I agree with you.
I actually remember talking in an artistic critique class about why it's natural to find a lack of eyebrows odd or unsettling. Eyebrows are a huge part of deciphering emotions, so when they're gone it's sometimes a tad confusing.