The thing is that older music isn't going to be played at a dance/club style party. I think they're just addressing what's popular/ regularly played.
The thing is that older music isn't going to be played at a dance/club style party. I think they're just addressing what's popular/ regularly played.
Wow, you really love blowing things up.
All you're doing here is listing your personal prejudices.That's not a good way to make an argument. Also, you don't know if the parents were paying for her. And if they were uncomfortable with her clothing, they can tell her to pay for herself and not shame her into conforming to make them comfortable. It's her body,…
This was a normal,casual day out. And the only reason she couldn't wear them was because they looked "slutty". That's really it. It's a hot summer day with minigolf, so there's no damn reason why her outfit would be unreasonable. They flat out shamed her for nothing. I betif they had a son, they'd let him out without…
Oh! Good point then. Also, your little monofanged baby is so cute. And I'm not even a cat person.
I highly doubt 5 or 7 year olds are going to comprehend what societal pressure is. Girls are already affected by the time they're old enough to talk and watch TV.
No one's asking to remove it outright. That'd be stupid. Most people just want some variety. Because ALL we see are paper thin, underage white girls. It implies that's the only way to be beautiful. The reason it's concerning for young women is because they CAN'T separate the fantasy from reality. I was a child model,…
I was talking about people who literally are saying the dogs shouldn't jump up to the tub. As if the owner could help their excitement. Like, if a child bonked it's face on the tub you'd most likely just give him a pat and help him in, not fret about it and proceed to freak out.
The preachy animal comments scare me. Like, jesus, some people's dogs are treated better than most children.
I immediately thought this. I really hope it's just bad color correction. Also, her foundation looks...sweaty? Gurl's gotta get some new stylists.
I once tried to wear a pair of tiny shorts for a day. I literally had welts that made me look like I'd been humping a pumice stone all day.
Yep, there's a lot of "I'm such a nice guy! All you have to do is submit to my every want and I'll be nice!"
I notice with those types of guys it's always the woman's fault because "that's what I wanted" and a women didn't hand herself over on a silver platter to be slaughtered. It's just that menofokcupid fedora wearing entitlement. This dude sounded like a five year old having a tantrum.
My friend was detained for 36 hours at last year's because he had an epi pen and insulin(any type of needle's gotta be for heroine, amiright?). Some idiot thought that was suspicious. I wish I was joking.
I worked at a daycare for 2 years and I gotta say, if this is for worries me. Many of the older kids had DSIs and 3DSes, and the only thing that kept those screens from not getting broken was the clamshell. Kids that young drop,throw,and crush things, and a solid chunk of plastic that big...with unprotected…
Yep, thanks. I've always been very skeptic about the info mra's use. They can never source it back to a state,university or even country usually. Not to mention, it seems they want to argue in circles, not solve any of the issues actually facing men. They usually don't care about trans men either, which bugs me.
I'm not talking about actually helping. Things like help for male rape victims, trans people and those not openly represented is important, but many reddit type MRAs argue that literally no woman has ever been raped, or if she was it was her fault, and that she's lying about it.
Well, it's been a common thing to believe that women need "to be put back in their place" or to be silenced. I think that's why many rape apologists and the like choose to put women down by saying "well this ONE guy had it worse than you, so I count your opinion as invalid".
Ah yes, the "WHAT ABOUT THE MENZ" arguments.
And people say we live in a just and fair culture.