I just wonder why vaj is considered so important to these people they have to use, deceive, degrade, demean, trick, lie and wound to "git it".
I just wonder why vaj is considered so important to these people they have to use, deceive, degrade, demean, trick, lie and wound to "git it".
"Cut out eye, nose and mouth holes in a large piece of Saran Wrap and"
Your CONCERN is noted.
You're not a feminist. :)
He's a dude. I'm sure of it. His post has that testosterone rat-a-tat anger to it.
I'm pretty sure it was a right wing-leaning, woman hating white guy. That variety. Jez is fine. The site gets heavy hits from pick up artists, and he rings to me as one of them.
Oh yes it certainly was. There was a developmentally disabled girl in the town where I grew up who was a victim of it. The year was 1977. I would begin worrying what that experience did to her, but I prefer to sleep at night. :(
I don't have enough woooooot in me to properly back that post, girl.
Reading your essay, I can't figure out yet whether (a) You're a Republican, (b) you're that guy who posted the 28 Question FAQ full of screaming cap letters, or (c) I should read it aloud in Shatner to make it funnier.
Vilify any?
Your comment gives me a sad. I hope you don't take my lone observations as a reason not to believe in yourself. The above describes many men I have seen - but not all, not at all.
And let me add, I am not releasing black men who use white and other women the same way from responsibility, either. However, since I am not a white woman and I do not date black men, I can only speak authentically and with credibility about my own experiences, and as you can read by the replies to my post, many…
It should be known to all that in this decade, white American males are notorious for attempting to use African-American girls and women as Starter Girlfriends. See also:
Damn, I guess I am not a girl, because I hate the hell out of yogurt. It's like eagerly slurping up synthetic radioactive cum manufactured by Fukushima.
I think hsvandemark means The Smile - not a smile :)
I think a more accurate bracelet for that would be a man with tiny fangs, and wearing a counterfeit halo, inserting smiley-face coins patiently into an hourglass-shaped vending machine with a sign on top of it that reads, "Sex".
As a bisexual woman with a strong masculine component to my psyche and appearance, I would say your comment goes both ways. Frankly, I'm tired of gay men chasing me and trying to make an accessory or "personal diva for private worship" out of me and other strong women, if you'd really like to know, and I don't give a…
Forgive this, Rita, but as a celibate bisexual of color who has encountered plenty of race bias in the gay community as well as the straight community, maybe we'd better table the rainbow until prejudiced gays among us learn what many different colors on something really means?
Indeed it doesn't. Sad thing is almost 100% of other men are exactly like him. :\
Get lost then and rock on. You'll soon be back when you realize women don't need the peen as much as you do the puss.