I have 4 sheet sets and typically leave sheets on my bed for a week and then wash them. There's just something really nice about getting into bed with nice fresh sheets!
I have 4 sheet sets and typically leave sheets on my bed for a week and then wash them. There's just something really nice about getting into bed with nice fresh sheets!
Omg, I just accidentally discovered that zooming out on the comments page makes them line up in a single column. Sure, the font is small but single. column.
The James Byrd murder will always be burned into my brain. I was about 11 when it happened and it was a HUGE DEAL in Texas. Really really upsetting. I have so many issues with the death penalty but in this case that white supremacist fucker deserved it.
I shuddered.
Exactly. Making sexist jokes =/= making jokes about sexism.
Fuck yes. This will distract me from all the Steubenville bullshit. My money is on Gameboy taking the whole damn thing. Also, no Heathers?!
I agree with you. To be that unaware and unresponsive from alcohol alone without getting alcohol poisoning seems super unlikely.
Oh yes, so true! To me that was the saddest part of the movie/her life.
Ugh yes. I call it 'only girl syndrome'.
More than 3/4 of rapes are committed by someone the victim knows. So either they are completely ignoring this fact OR they want women to be armed at all times. Sorry, I'm not going to have my pistol at the ready whenever I hang out with a male friend.
Exactly. It's fucking horrible and stupid. One of the tumblrs I follow wrote that basically consent doesn't actually exist if you think a 16 year old girl would consent to such sickening and degrading acts.
And the boys made the decision to rape her and photograph it.
My parents definitely taught us to respect an animal's space very early on. Reaching out to pet a dog on the head is a great way to freak them out.
Crossposted from GT:
Haha, my big sister got me hooked on it too! I blasted through all 3 current seasons and then was so antsy waiting for season 4. Such a good show! My entire family watches it.
I can definitely attest to this. I knew absolutely nothing about bra sizes or fitting until I got implants. They are a very average size and I was expecting a C or maybe a D. I wear a 34DD, which seems huge but they fit my frame nicely and don't look that big in clothes.
My aunt had shingles and said they were the most painful experience of her life. I hope you get better soon!
I do the same. My shower head is one of those removable ones and I have old person bars in my tub so its perfect for rinsing.
In Russia, International Women's day is kind of like Valentine's day. BUT your friend is still kind of a dumb dumb.
Stanley Tucci's character made me misty eyed with all his talk of bravery and heroism. The first time I watched it, the very first words out of my mouth after the credits rolled were 'Captain America is a virgin!'