
I'm all for married dads.

Because that's a reductionist, evo-psych nonsense premise. Eugenics hasn't been cool for like a century now.

Yes, she's showing a strong inclination to Histrionic PD, and her perceived anonymity on the internet only compounded that. Obviously this isn't proving she's lying or not (HPD would actually make her easy prey for rape situations, unfortunately), but I'm seeing a girl that still really needs help. Of course, I'm in

I hate stories like this, because MRAs love them. False rape accusations are about as statistically common as meteor strikes and are a completely specious, idiotic reason to discount rape accusations. But high profile ones like this (yes I am assuming that Faircloth is lying, literally every single piece of evidence


Jacqueline Carey's first Kushiel trilogy. I couldn't stop reading them, but they're long, so I didn't feel like I flew through them. Best of both worlds. :) I also love Lynn Flewelling's Tamir trilogy and Laini Taylor's Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy is alllllllmost finished (the last book is coming out in

I'm naturally a binge-reader. I can read a typical-length paperback in about 3-4 hours, so left to my own devices for years I would finish 1-2 books a day. I had to check out the maximum from the library to make the trip into town worth it for my parents.

I do love the feeling of anticipation for the next novel in a series, though. I admit, one of my favorite authors is Brandon Sanderson, partially because he's so prolific. But his publishing schedule is full of different series he's writing, so it always seems fresh.

If I fits, I sits!

When I volunteered at an animal shelter in Chicago, we used to reach out to people who adopted the dogs for follow ups/ updates and one time the update from the adoptive family detailed how their little boy had trouble reading in front of people and so he practiced by reading to their little shelter dog and I swear to

I said something similar in a previous post. Obviously discrimination against anyone is terrible etc. but I find it rather telling that the guy was totally cool with homophobia and racism. It's all good until it inconveniences you, amirite?

This makes me this happy.

Considering that women only comprises of 15% of the workforce in Iran, maternity compensation is not really the problem.

Stop the mothafucking press! Are you telling me that Iran — Iran*, a country ranked #88 on the "Quality of Life Index", compared to the US's #13 — offers nine months of maternity leave and two weeks of paternity leave? But I only got 8 weeks and Mr. Nom had to use vacation, despite working at a fancy research lab when

You call that a big butt? Oh, honey.

You actually play the games you buy on Steam?

This is just terrible.... I know this is an unpopular opinion, but shit like this is exactly why I think that when it comes to pregnancy, mom should always be the priority, without exception.

What upsets me is that white women's breasts are sacred and black women's breasts are non essential. Please re-read the photographer's comment about the Ugandan women, it's bummer that no one caught that... More black women die from treatable breast cancer than white women. I wish there could be honnest discussion

After a recent rant about how there is "unrelenting support" for people who are "borderline obese," she's been banned from Facebook. But she is not sorry for fat-shaming, no sir.