Head Bee Guy

/writes hilarious 20,000 word response

Excellent rebuttal. I especially liked the part where you pointed out the flaws in the author's argument.

Oh man. +1

Yes. His absence is inexcusable.

So, so good

No, it's not quite superhuman, but it is quirky.

They start looking at resumés on Tuesday.

The Chicago UBS

Tamil Tiger Town

Damn Desis!

Another guy claiming he was duped by Sarah, with images of his email/gchat discussions:

Wow. I'll never complain about Bill Simmons again.

Almost as creepy as a guy with tons of kids toys in his office.

Not to mention there are comments all over the file with (what is presumably) his first initial and last name.

From: Bob Haggard

Rock out, cock out

Also where's @Deadspin or any other blogger in their mom's basement talking about @ESPN's work for our veterans this week? Crickets...

Brett Favre

FIU's really just doing this to improve student safety, since Rick will now be taking the team bus to football games.

The Colin Cowherd Experience is just a shitty cover band of The Jimmy Snyder Project.