Oops- unlike OUR king, he didn’t bring them- most (if not all) are rentals with U. S. plates, according to my source.
Oops- unlike OUR king, he didn’t bring them- most (if not all) are rentals with U. S. plates, according to my source.
I originally didn’t reply to this question because I was thinking things that I tried, but I was unable to succeed with. There have been a few repairs that have gone that way in my life, but I couldn’t remember one ... until now.
The R129 had both a soft top and a removable hard top.
too hot out with the top down? psh, just drive faster
Totally different car, like entirely.
The back seat of that car is going to be no worse with the top up than the regular S Class coupe. Unless you’re putting Patrick Ewing back there, I think your passengers will be fine.
500 Days of Miata
I feel like the Miata and ATS-V are the only 2 cars being continually tested week after week here in Jalop land.
I partially agree. Check the video, the truck was there when they left and the road is open. He clearly wasn’t looking far ahead enough and going too fast. He should’ve had hat in mind.
There’s an undeniable fact to remember: there are very few car collectors whose driving skills are up to their respective collections.
Who would have thought a 911 would lift-off oversteer? Certainly not someone who is famous for owning a shit-ton of Porsches...
Incidentally, I also lost any shred of respect I had for Magnus after this. You literally spend your life around old 911’s, you know how they behave, and you’re driving one like that on an open public road with an innocent reporter in your passenger seat? Not to mention there’s tons of other people driving their…
Do you know if there was supposed to be someone blocking off or at least spotting for oncoming traffic?
If not this seems like very poor planning on behalf of the organizers, and very poor judgement by Magnus to drive that aggressively if he couldn’t clearly see what was around the corner.
It’s stated because it’s true. It was his truck in the way, so one would assume he knew it was there. However, you’re going too fast for the environment if you can’t correct for things that occur. If lifting causes oversteer, then it was too fast for the environment. Lifting mid corner means too much speed.
The Miata gets more attention here
I had a similar eperience, I used to race with him in the early 2000s and he was a gentleman of the first order. Really nice and creative guy.
I met him at a Red Bull thing in Austin and he was nice enough to go out of his way and actually speak to me when I said hello. He stopped, told me he had some exciting things coming down the pipeline, etc.
So what do YOU drive? Put it out there so we can shit on it.
I’m glad you’re okay! Thanks for reading and commenting.
I’ve been hit with the high power green lasers while flying combat missions. A lot of the incidents occurred on final approach for landing with the landing gear down. That’s second away from wheels down and a time when the flight crew is busiest. It is not “Cool” or “The thing to do because everyone is doing it.” It…