Love it! Nice job. Can’t wait to see the solar and eventually the interior, but I am dead impressed with the outside work.
Love it! Nice job. Can’t wait to see the solar and eventually the interior, but I am dead impressed with the outside work.
If they still built this with a manual I would cashier my ‘06 Chevy 5 speed manual 4x4 Silverado in a shot. My first truck was a Mitsubishi built ram 50. I love the Dodge nameplate. Of course the company has been sold three times since those days.
Do it! Having grown up in the 70's with the emasculated C3, this car was a revelation and a rebirth of Corvette to me. Also it is real wedgey.
Putting aside the high dudgeon you wrote this article in, you are completely incorrect. Is it unfair in life that bad things happen? Yes, go ask Melville in Moby Dick, but not all unfair things are illegal or have the same culpability.
You are absolutely correct. I appreciate Steve Lehto, but he is dead wrong on the interpretation of the statute.
OK, your panties are significantly more in a twist than I thought. It was just a turn of phrase, and it was not meant to state that 75,000 is close to millions. There, happy? My point is that there are enough E Types for different kinds of hobbiests to have fun with. Not all E Types have to be kept in historic…
LOL Let’s agree on this. E Types are incredibly special low production vehicles that are a unique drive and were a wonder when they were new as well as today. All I am saying is that there are enough of them in all conditions to afford a place for all different kinds of car hobbiests. Some of them are whooped. If you…
In all variants and all series they made about 75,000 of them. My Duetto Spider was a production run of around 5,000 with all engines and variants. E Types don’t get driven enough in my opinion, but there are plenty of chassis that have rusted, been banged up, and would be good subjects for modding. It would be a…
I would agree with this. Any resto mod is no longer an Historic Vehicle. Only cars in their substantially original condition are historic, which also knocks out lots of concours cars as far as I am concerned. Those guys haven’t found a part that they can’t chrome plate.
It’s not off just different. I have had a shaft drive Guzzi and have a shaft drive BMW. Neither bike gave has given me a problem with the shaft, but my chain bikes were never a problem either. I am also not great at lubricating the chains. I shoot them with oil every now and then, and only clean them when I start to…
My bike screwed up at literally 15 miles, on the way home from purchasing it. The clutch started dragging because the moving crank kept pushing the driven plate out of position. I had it back at 15, 50 … It wasn’t the fact that there was a problem with the bike that bothered me. It was the response. In my letter to…
Production will resume as soon as they have successfully reincarnated Harley, the last engineer to actually work at the firm.
There is nothing wrong with modern chain drives with minimal maintenance. The chain on ‘01 Triumph has 19,000 miles on it, and it is going strong.
I eventually got a new engine too, but it took over 1,000 miles of extremely dangerous riding before that happened. I took the bike back to the original dealer 5 times and another dealer twice, had the bike stall in intersections with traffic coming at me twice, the dragging clutch pulled me into moving intersections,…
Of the four bikes I have owned, the V7 was the only one I ditched for safety reasons. Guzzi very nicely left a thrust washer out of the crank, which left the crank to awesomely drill itself out of the block. Go for freedom crank! I took it back the day I bought the bike, and like any good Italian dealer, they…
You know what to do, which is the tranny swap. This is the part that you are going to hate. If you are going to do this, the donor car has to be minty fresh, rust free. There is no point in doing this swap with a car that will just be run into the ground again. You have to build something that people will invest in to…
My point is that the CO2 in the graph is 10% of US only man made emissions, and that the growth in CO2 in the automotive sector is incremental change. The rest of the 30% of the transportation sector is rail, marine, and aircraft. It is not the prime nor root cause of cat 5 hurricanes, but it is one factor in them.…
That crash test blows my mind. 20 years ago, even 10 years ago that crash would cause serious injury, but the way the crash cell forces the car body away from the occupants is incredible as is the way the A pillar deforms so perfectly bending slightly from the bottom instead of folding. I am very impressed Hyundai.…
This graph only tracks CO2 emissions and not actual pollutants. CO2 does not make the planet “dirtier”. It theoretically makes the planet slightly, marginally, almost imperceptibly warmer.
Dude. The graph Aaron posted only tracks CO2 emissions. Not actual pollutants, but great information.