
This car was a major disappointment for me, and before everyone says well yeah, me and everyone else, I was actually in the market for a new old school luxe coupe having achieved middle age with two small kids. I would like to have a drop top that I could take my two rapidly growing sons and wife with me, and this is

I judge myself. I judge myself. In my defense, I have been trying to talk my wife into trading into a Stelvio. 

This is the right point. Both the element and the RX8 had suicide rear doors that passed crash tests, but they did it by putting the B pillar into the door and having it latch top and bottom into the structure of the car. You can’t use that design to make a rear opening door without the front door opening first

Neutral: I don’t rely on them. I use the reverse camera, and my wife’s full car surround camera, but I still turn my head because the cameras don’t show you if someone is walking into your path. I also back up much more slowly than I did when cars actually had greenhouses with real visibility. The pillars are so thick

You make two opposing points that I think shows a point of division for the auto industry that will chosen by the customer. Do we make car interiors more robust out of new fine to the touch materials or do we make car interiors out of poor to the touch but sturdy easy to clean materials? In other words, do you want a

Fabulous article! The only thing I remember about Mannequin was the newly minted Philadelphia City Film Office went whole hog in support of the production to prove that Philadelphia was a great place to film. There wasn’t a citizen’s right they would not stomp on to make sure that the production ran to the producers

We got our 2014 screen replaced under warranty at 18 months with the car. It delaminated. The dealer was fully aware of the problem, and it absolutely should be part of an extended warranty program. Your description of CUE is pretty much dead on as well. 

Jason that is a primo first rate rant. So much convoluted ground. First, as a libertarian I have to say, yeah Trump is an idiot. It almost goes without saying that anything coming from him is going to be wrong on every level. The man is a moron. Taking that, is his statement false, Hell yeah! Cars are far safer than

Hey Kristen - Thanks for a really useful review of a car that I am legitimately interested in as my next car. I have a couple of V8s that I refuse to part with, and going back to a 4 with some oomph and a drop top is high on my list of things to do. I am heartened to read your description of the handling as being

Thinking of how high the top stacks on an Adenauer or a Lincoln Zephyr convertible, you might be right about that. 

My Mazda RX 8 required the removal of the front wheels, porthole hatch, then shoving your entire arm up there through a whole bunch of wires and hoses to do the headlight bulbs. For someone who grew up with sealed beams it all seems crazy to me. 

I was thinking of the window regulators that used to go bad and required the replacement of the entire door skin. It is however nice to see a proud Saturn owner! I have friends who still credit their Saturns as the best cars they ever owned. Some of them were excellent. Enjoy your ride. 

I brings back the horror of when car design decided that looking outside of the car was for losers so they put window slits in reminiscent of a tank. 

And knowing Saturn, probably irremovably bonded to the interior tunnel requiring replacement of the entire tunnel if a piece chipped off it. 

Great headline because it is both absolutely true from a “it costs how much and it has a spirit of what on the hood,” and absolutely false because no one needs to drive something that damn big with those few seats. 

Define “better”? Better for who? Regulation does many things, and yes, emissions standards create cities that have breathable air. I am not sure how many people today even remember the hacking cough of city ozone levels before auto emission standards, acid raind, or the 10 inch die back on every road from deposited

Personally I would welcome an end to the current Horse Power wars. I am currently driving a mere 556 HP in a 2011 CTS V Wagon, and I seldom more than graze the top of the throttle. It is a rare place that I can find to roll on the throttle. Having grown up in an age when cars were often under 100HP, I feel that the

Francoise Hardy as the morning song is certainly raising the beat cool level of Jalopnik. Nice choice. 

I love radio. Musical taste is still a mostly local cultural phenomenon, and I get most of my news from NPR. I was never happier than when my introductory free subscription to Sirius expired. As someone far brighter and more eloquent than I once said above, Satellite radio sucks ass. 

It is a hard business plan to look at an oversaturated market place and say “Me Too!” That is what Jaguar tried to do with its SUVs, and it failed like the lead balloon it was going to be.