
The only FCA tie up that makes real sense to me is Peugeot. If PSA really wants back into the US a dealer network is a necessity, and they can build showrooms with Alfa. That makes sense. The problem with Sergio dying when he did is that the brand rebuilding died with him. Does Jeep really need a Gladiator? Probably

I know. Me and my Paul Reed Smith are offended. 

Jason, this is the best piece of actual journalism I have ever read on this site. You explored, asked questions, got your facts right, and you did a good job of objectively analyzing what you were writing about. Nice freaking job and thank you for writing something worth reading. 

Thanks for this. I re-read the article I saw and realize that I misunderstood when it said elevated ground speed just after take off that it was talking about minutes after take off. I had taken that to mean after rotation. This makes much more sense, and now I get it. 

Airbus accident off of Brazil about ten years ago was caused by a fouled pitot tube giving false warnings to the cockpit in a horrendous storm that caused the pilot to pitch the nose up past stall. The automatic nature of this system is that in whatever dire circumstance, no matter how confusing, no pilot would ever

For the theory that the MCAS system caused the crash of the Ethiopian airlines jet to be correct, the system has to have been enabled not just in cruise flight, but in take off mode. I do not understand how a pitch up response could be automatically triggered during take off and even before the aircraft left the

Excellent an analogy! 

When My first was born, we got along great with my Mazda RX8. He loved rear facing out that big rear window, and he fit behind just fine. I’m 6'1" and bigger than I ought to be.

So they aren’t replacing the GT. They are abandoning it for a 2 seat sports car is what you are saying? I’m a little confused by the report. Personally, I think the luxe market is long on 2 seat sports coupes and short on 4 seat GT’s, but I guess that is what sells. 

It’s what the market will bear. What is more useful to society an experienced tig welder, or a doctor of philosophy?

My father used to talk about trees doing this. My father also drank over a fifth of whisky a night. Those two anecdotes are completely unrelated.

Yet more reliable than a new Audi or Mercedes! 

My newest to me car is an ‘06 jaguar XJ8. I love it. You turn it on, it drives, goes where I point it, and is really comfy. It is also not designed to be broken. 

Nobody ever said no to a little cyborg. I mean come on, cyborg Mmmmmmmmmm. 

Woah … I would be furious. I can’t deal with cars doing things that I didn’t command them to. It always makes me think it is broken and going to crash. My brother has an Audi that now slows itself on the highway and fights lane changes. Fun. 

So another Socialist with limited knowledge of cars … fun.

You know what would help, removing the idiotic bike lanes, allowing car traffic and turns on all streets and at all possible turns. In other words setting it back where it was fifteen years ago. I spent a lot of time as a delivery driver in Manhattan and Brooklyn, and the more government intervention, the worse moving

That’s what the cookbook said, “How to Serve Man”. When will people ever learn!!!!! 

In our Mercedes, it always automatically brakes when it sees a particular kind of lollipop looking bush on the side of the road, because you know, it could try to cross. Several near rear end collisions because of that. Automation can not be devised to understand the context necessary to function properly. I wish that

Back in the nineties, my Alfa Romeo mechanic stopped racing old Alfa engines in his cars, and started racing Quad 4s. I loved seeing the big Oldsmobile name on his car.