“Driver operated cars will face the same shrinking and focusing that motorcycles have gone through.”
“Driver operated cars will face the same shrinking and focusing that motorcycles have gone through.”
Sort of. In urban and suburban areas, yes, in rural areas private ownership might survive. There will also be three categories of private drive vehicle, a person driving their own self drive toaster, the Rolls Royce super expensive car, and the classic car driver for the rest of us. This will be because of scale.…
Yup, that’s it. The self driving car is the commoditization of the automobile that it had someone staved off for the past 100 years. There is no point in a person buying a car in the age of self drive since you will be able to uber yourself up a car to take you wherever you want to go. The car companies know that with…
You shouldn’t be so crass and snarky. The US system most certainly does not permit the limitless incarceration of a defendant until a confession is achieved. Your view of the Nissan situation is ridiculous. It is a board coup, the Netherlands entity is perfectly transparent and normal for an EU multi-national, you…
Yes, except that it should be Oldsmobile. Olds was historically GM’s R&D brand. All the weird stuff came out of Oldsmobile. Let that weird stuff be electric, but leave the Halo brand, if GM had such a thing, to the staid mainstream leather seated crows. Using Cadillac for an all in play on electric at this juncture is…
Depends on the state as to whether there is any cause of action, but the fact that they placed a lengthy justification makes me think landlord does not have a leg to stand on. I also find the justification funny because it is most likely based on a poll of people who chose not to rent.
Geo Metro Lsi, and bring it with you. You can not drive over 40MPH anywhere on Maui. Also think scooter.
It has worked out really well actually. It was in great shape when I got it. The two guys before me had flailed away at the under carriage rebuilding the entire air ride system to the tune of thousands. It is one of the reasons I bought this one. Turned out the problem was tie rods, which I sourced from a Ford dealer…
It is my current daily driver. Parts are a complete nightmare, but the car itself is not that hard to work on. I actually have a great deal of respect for the engineering and how they integrated the Ford bits into a very nice chassis. I have put about 30,000 miles on it so far, and I expect to be driving it for a…
Well, I bought it in May or so of 2016 with 41,000 or so miles on it. It now has 70,000 miles, everything works, and the only problems have been worn out tie rods that I bought from a Ford on-line seller as opposed to Jaguar saving about $1,000. The two previous owners, according to the receipts in the car, rebuilt…
Two years ago I paid about $12K for a 2006 XJ8 Vanden Plas with 40,000 miles on it. The seller here seems very optimistic to me.
I think that they know this, which is why they still talk Rotary even if it might not make sense. The thought of rotary keeps their engineers thinking differently than other manufacturers, and I think that all of their products benefit from a slightly better driving experience because of that space to think…
Umm, is that V8 engine slated to be in anything else? I can not believe that they are going to build a handful of these motors just for a half year production of a beast.
2nd Gear:
That guy wore black tie to a white tie event … heh, heh, heh.
No, no, no that’s a robot controller for his wife. Back then all wives were robots controlled by remote.
Someone threw a bottle at me from an overpass with my convertible top down once. I barely avoided it. Humans can do horrible things.
They better bury him under a heavy rock, or he’ll hit the road again. One of the great car guys.
My 1967 Alfa Romeo Convertible still has its original rubber floor mats, and that car has about 300,000 miles on it. Rubber is great for cars where the interior is exposed to the elements. However for my Jaguar, I loved the carpet which keeps road noise down, insulates for temperature control, sound deadens interior…
True and generally fine, but this repair was an unknown as far as a solution to the problem and the problem caused the need for an emergency landing. I am not letting Lion off the hook for this. They bear some responsibility along with Boeing.