
Key West Agreement. USAF is never, never, never going to let the USA have an armed fixed wing aircraft again, or else they'll be proved obsolete. As a service, the USAF is obsessively paranoid about ever having aircraft under direct control of ground commanders. It's a cultural thing that dates back to the formation

1. True, but will never happen due to the Key West Agreement.

Form follows function. Tough enough to take a hit, well armed enough to dish it out, and the ability to have long loiter with good visibility doesn't equal pretty. Look at the attack helo equivalents — Apache, Hind, Hokum, Tiger — not a pretty one in the bunch.

"I have a feeling that once the metrics of just how effective the Warthog is against ISIS are released, the USAF will be left hearing crickets when it comes to their pleas to throw this incredibly effective and relevant attack jet in the scrap heap."

I like their attitude. Meanwhile the USAF is desperately trying to dump some completely useful A-10s.

OK, just for you — a free .pdf copy of the rules for the Game of Snakes & Foxes:

Can't we just "un-canon" the prequel trilogy?

Hope they're bring careful. There's been a long time maintenance advisory message out about using the uploader/downloader in the manual mode; improper use can result in damage to the ammo that results in hang fires.

Long and proud career.

I used to be a Barbasol die-hard (I much prefer foams to gels, which never seem to foam properly and gunk up your razor) until my wife bought me Mary Kay Men's Shave Foam.

I used to be a Barbasol die-hard (I much prefer foams to gels, which never seem to foam properly and gunk up your

It did see combat in Vietnam and "combat" in classified missions during the Cold War.

Once again, the USAF kicking the USA in the junk with the A-10. I'm looking at you, Joint Cargo Aircraft.

Welcome! Love all your prior work; this is gonna be great!

Saving the A/B for when the aircraft is fully loaded with stores & fuel, maybe?

Missing '80s Top Gun soundtrack ... fail.

True, and yet it still takes tremendous skill to identify, track, load, and fire while rolling in a 70-ton panzer bouncing over rough terrain in oppressive heat and noise while looking at the world through a soda straw, inhaling the fumes of JP8 and cordite, as a ton of 120mm cannon breech recoils six inches from your

By the way, if you want tough, that's not it. Tough is the B3S (later A2S) engagement, aka the Widowmaker. Night, on the offense (i.e. moving tank), NBC conditions, a set of troops and two PCs.

You know you can do this and get paid for it, right?

Any day you roll panzers is a good day. Any day you send rounds down range and they don't come back at you is a good day.

If they haven't demonstrated a prototype and are still five years from said prototype, they haven't cracked it yet. Call me when there's a working prototype.