

You could easily build one of these for a tenth of the price. I don't see anything ground breaking or technologically difficult in it.

I love how pundits focus on things like a $5 billion dollar Obamacare website not working right, but a non working ONE TRILLION DOLLAR aircraft program doesn't work and will likely never work, but that's totally OK.

The pacing of this season could have been better: there were a lot of individually great moments, but I think the showrunners placed way too many important moments on the finale. It was a fun season, but this finale ran roughshod over a lot of potentially more powerful moments and revelations (ignoring, say, a lot of

Everytime Deepak Chopra of one of his ilk says Quantum...

The only reason my computer would weep is because of the ending. Hey-oh!

People shouldn't buy consoles based on what they assume will happen in the next five years - they should buy them based on what's available right now. When I got a Vita, I got it cause I wanted Gravity Rush and Persona 4: Golden. Both of those games were amazing, and I've been completely content with my Vita because

- Bad in-universe time pacing. Seriously, one set of characters spend 20/25 minutes getting to a point in the mountain, then the horse runs off and 30 seconds later is back in town. How about some scenes in between?

Eh. Let's be honest, Frozen was so-so.

Even the set doesn't want these movies to be made.

I like comics like this.

1. The character shown in the trailer is not wearing Link's traditional green outfit

In an article telling entitled "Education and Discipline in the Videogame Industry," AFM President Ray Hair declares, "The time has come for education and discipline," "within our ranks" as well as within the Video Game industry.

What's the worst that could happen?

So that's your secret... 4/10, was expecting magic.

My setup: