WWII FPS ended to soon imo, bring em back
WWII FPS ended to soon imo, bring em back
What i don't get is why would you not use pictures of yourself when you were around the same age and splice those together.
You do realize there is a que system for dungeons right? just que up and run off and quest, it will find a group for you
For me its
*Died in a game*
The problem is not the sales its the games, With so many games out there to play I like most people concentrate on the games we really want, Sales are great because they let you pick up any games you wanted that you could not afford and a chance to try out games you were interested in but just not enough to fork out…
Yeah, why can't we get creative adds like this, I'd buy this gum... as long as it doesn't taste like a giant cat
I still have my book of weaving somewhere. Such a good game and your right, looks very much like Out of This World just brighter
He is way beyond "starting" to sound like an idiot
works best
can you please just delete the local variants, there not worth our time, original kotaku > stupid cut down versions
I agree, it just needs Tabs so you can open multiple windows for things like the market and inventory, would make it a tad more user friendly imo.
I've never been a big fan of Jonno (the guy with the sledge) he has a bad habit of taking things way to far hes also a radio host and i just can't listen to his segments there, but this is a common thing they do on there show which i have found myself really enjoying lately, last week they fully post it noted a car…
We use touch screens at work for our POS system, wile great for quickly taking bookings and paying for drinks etc, we still have to use a mouse for general maintenance, as the touch screens just aren't precise enough, granted ours are rather old :)
Shower :Oh I'm out of soap, Laying in bed: Damn I'm tired, sleep already, Work: "Oh you know what would be a great idea"
yeah this article is pointless and out of place on Kotaku, Kotaku report a lot of interesting things sometimes not even really related to gaming, but this is just a negative dump on a game in a series he has never played.
All of it!
All of it!
Yeah I personally haven't played for a few years because of the community, but it is a great TCG
I don't often cry but I've been pretty close with a few games, the latest being I am Alive, the story for that was really well done and once it was over i felt a bit torn up, but i do get very enthralled with story in games, i can remember plenty of times Ive cursed and nearly thrown my controller over a difficult…